Lifestyle Magazine

Spice Girls Impulse Spray

By Princessonfilm @Princessonfilm
Spice Girls Impulse SprayDo you remember the days when you would have a can of this amazing and delightful spray in your bag and everyone wanted to know what it was, I was a huge Spice Girls fan when they exploded with there range of products in 1997 i was excited because i just wanted everything that they ever brought out from Shoes and toys. I used to wear this all the time to school and everyone would ask me what body spray do you have on as it smells lovely? I would apply the Impulse Spice by the Spice girls and everyone started out saying oh i must go and buy some before they run out of stock. I had so many cans of the stuff that i cannot remember how many in total but i used it right up to the day when i couldn't get anymore and i was gutted when Impulse wasn't stocking or making any more of this amazing product.
I can also remember that i had the Shower gel and that was so delightful to use and i had so many of them too, I would take a shower with it just before school the next day and i would go to school smelling like beautiful flowers and roses, This product is got to be one of the best that Impulse has ever released as i still use the body sprays to this day and now they are so much different and nothing like the Spice Girls one. The design of the can attracted me and also how pretty and colourful it was and who thought of adding the little butterfly to the top of the lid it was a good idea as i love it and i still do to this day,
I cannot remember that much going into a store and actually picking one of these cans up as i was only 8 in 1997 and my mom would always buy me a few cans to last me a while because as it was a special edition spray and the supermarket could be sold out or the company might stop stocking it at any time so i was always stocked up with the body sprays and the shower gel just to get me though the months. I have always said that this was the best spray that any company has ever done in the years i have been buying there range of products and this is the best one for me ever back in my childhood days, The Girls them selfs said they took a sample of there sweat once they done a show and then transformed this amazing scent witch is amazing, I think the spray has a bit of lemon and lime and oranges in it because it does smell like fruits and something else but i just cannot put my head around what it could be.
There was also a list of other products that the company did for the Spice girls and these included......
Spice Girls Impulse SprayBuffalo 1310-2 Platforms for the Impulse Giveaway signed in black marker by the girls.
Spice Girls Impulse SpraySample packs of the spray
Spice Girls Impulse SprayShower Gel
Spice Girls Impulse Spray
Spice Girls Impulse SpraySpice Girls Impulse Spray
Spice Girls Impulse SprayPromotional Cards advertising the body spray
Spice Girls Impulse SprayThe Perfume Spray versionBuffalo Trainers, First Prize ImSpice Girls Impulse SprayMexico / Germany Edition
Spice Girls Impulse SprayUK Small & Large Cans
Spice Girls Impulse SprayMexican Roll On (Witch i really want)
And Other photos from the shoots and behind the scenes from the advent.
Spice Girls Impulse Spray
Spice Girls Impulse Spray
Spice Girls Impulse Spray
Spice Girls Impulse Spray
Spice Girls Impulse Spray
Spice Girls Impulse Spray
Spice Girls Impulse Spray
Spice Girls Impulse Spray
Spice Girls Impulse Spray

Impulse please release this body spray again as it would make me a very happy person because it is one of my dreams to have this back in the shops again, I am quite lucky that i have 3 cans and a the perfume spray to keep me going until i get some more from eBay as it is very rare to get hold of now and some sellers are charing so much for it because it is a very rare product that the group has ever done since there buffalo's witch are truly so hard to find also.This is one of the best body sprays in the world ever and smells longer too.

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