Politics Magazine

Something Wicked This Way Comes

Posted on the 07 September 2015 by Calvinthedog

From here.

Schindler is on to something here, something which few have acknowledged. The current trends in America, Wall Street getting richer, everyone else getting poorer, politicians of both parties feeding brazenly at Wall Street’s trough, the party of the Left in full blown attack gear not on inequality, which it has done nothing to address, but picking at and rubbing raw the scabs of identity politics — this can’t keep going on indefinitely without something really bad happening.

Indeed, we can’t go on like this indefinitely without something really bad happening: like, for instance, Donald Trump.

All I have to say about Mr. Trump’s rising candidacy is that Americans deserve him. You morons brought this nightmare on yourselves. Both parties created this Frankenstein. They deliberately created the conditions amidst which a monster like Trump could not only be born but was only certain to thrive.

Infected with blind optimism, the ruling class thought they could push an insane combination of a freakazoid Cultural Left Social Project combined however bizarrely with a vicious Neoliberal Economic Project forever. A project like this is bound to please no one. The Right is sure to hate the Cultural Left Circus Act. The Left or what’s left of it anyway is sure to hate the vicious harvests of the pro-oligrach, any-everyone else, TINA, Neoliberal Human Reaper Economic Project.

An economy for the 1% and fuck everyone else!

A culture for the Freaks, and fuck all the normals!

What a plan! What could possibly go wrong?

And then string all this incongruity together via some Rube Goldberg Machine and let the Media Fog Machine mist it all over until no one can even see it anymore, and it’s just normative Zeitgeist that no one even questions, the sun rising over that hill to the east.

This shitheads want to think that there is no such thing as society when it comes to economics, but there’s an all-encompassing, ever expanding Freak Culture that hates normal people when it comes to sociology. There is no society, except there’s society. There is no culture, except there’s culture. It’s all so clear! How could anyone possibly think it’s a scam?

I have no idea why anyone thought this marriage from Hell was going to work, as it was a circular firing squad from Day One. Your average person may be a fool, but he isn’t stupid. Most humans are not permanent marks, and they’re more streetwise than you think. The Elites are arrogant and think that as long as they control the media and the political parties, they can be con and fleece us forever. The scam goes on forever.

Surely in this case the wolves will always be wolves, but there’s no law that says the sheep won’t catch on. The Elite’s problem is that the masses are just not dumb enough. If we were just a bit stupider, they could con and scam us forever and always leave us holding the bag.

The problem for our sociopathic elites is that victims tend to wise up after a while and turn on their abusers.

Hence I present you with Donald Trump, a monster created by the US Elite and both the political parties.

I really have no sympathy for people who deliberately bring catastrophe on themselves via their own hubris and pigheadedness. I am prepared to say that we Americans richly deserve every bad thing that is going to happen to us in the near future, and that includes a possible President Trump.

You can’t say we didn’t ask for it. Reap what you sow, dammit. We sowed it, and we reaped the inevitable result, so we might as well lie back and enjoy it. As long as there’s TINA, right?

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