Health Magazine

Some Things Are Easier with the Second Child

Posted on the 24 March 2016 by Dave Nevue

I wrote about the importance of accepting the things you can not change in order to stay focused on the things you actually can change. It's easier said than done. I know. After my first pregnancy I was completely obsessed with losing the weight. My focus was the numbers of the scale. Always. Every single day. But once I had lost the weight I shifted focus to my breasts. I didn't like how they looked at all. I had been breastfeeding for almost seven months and I almost regret that I had done that. I feel ashamed of thinking that now, but it was so difficult for me to accept how I looked. I starred at my breasts, especially the nipples which I thought looked horrible (I still do...) and I started to hide them, always, always wearing a bra. Then I got pregnant again, gaining even more weight this time, getting even bigger than the first time, and after losing the weight this time I realized that I actually looked good after the first pregnancy... My breasts are now smaller than ever and the skin on my belly is far more stretched than before. But it was so much easier to accept this. I feel so blessed to be back at strong and healthy after carrying two big babies. So to all you moms thinking about getting another one, it gets easier the second time around!

//Nicole Hellgren

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