Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine

Some of My Best Photos & Words….

By Jenrene

It's so odd how...

Some of my best pictures have permanent memories and 'records' in my head... of me being taken out of my environment, into another realm of being and doing, transplanted to another part of the earth and helps me see a greater part and the 'spiritual' part of who I am.

I love to travel. It's no secret. I can just about tell you I was experiencing life on a serious level, in everyone of these pictures and some type of MAJOR growth was happening in that very moment.

Maybe that's why I love photography and I get so much out of it. It speaks without opening its mouth. Speaks so loudly and profoundly.

But on the inside. In my heart, my mind and my soul.
I am going to be working a photo task this year, and I am excited about it, although I am expecting that it will challenge me, I am a little nervous that it happens all YEAR LONG. So that means I have to be CONSISTENT. * ( Mind you .... this WAS - -gonna be my word, then I chickened out.. so I will keep it on the sideline and refer to it, when I have "fully embraced" life to the umpteenth degree and you can see I am not hiding any longer...)

If you are gonna be consistent, why not then BE: one who EMBRACES consistency, right?

Well, the God's honest truth is... most of these photos were taken RIGHT here in Tulsa Oklahoma. And just for the record, I WAS on a JOURNEY.... I really BIG one, too. Smile.

I don't know how you feel about the journeys in life that wind up taking you "further " than you may have ever imagined.... but this girl right here... has decided to work on my ONE WORD for the past three years and BOY...! Have I been stretched!

2015 was Endure.

2016 was Conquer.

2017 ... is Embrace.

All three of these words take me some place. To stories in my life journey that mesmerize me ; stretch me a little more, cause me to contemplate, and show me who I really am. ... And in these past few years , that has been almost inevitable. See,.. though I am now a very strong advocate of "choosing words" that honor and embrace the journey, I don't believe I pick these words. I believe THEY PICK ME.

And so it is... I should have wrote down how I had it confirmed.... but I literally heard the word EMBRACE over w three hour period... at least it seemed that way.... so I said :YES.

I WILL. and she stayed here.

So I guess we are sort of partna's for the next 360 days!

Amen & Selah.

Oh.. and you can guarantee 'the pictures' will follow in 2017 as well...

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