Eco-Living Magazine

Solar Energy: an Alternative Energy Source

Posted on the 07 July 2011 by T_mackinnon @tedmackinnon

Solar energy, by virtue of its being readily available almost throughout the world and being absolutely pollution free, is becoming an increasingly sought after alternative source of energy. It is now being increasingly used for powered electricity generation through the use of solar panels. While it still has to catch on a huge way, many signs are increasingly pointing towards an increasing awareness and readiness to use these in homes-even if just for heating water in most of the cases.

For this purpose, a solar panel is used which comprises of a large array of back squares-these squares are known as Photovoltaic cells. These cells focus on gathering sunlight on a concentrated point so that it becomes very powerful and does the mandated job. In case the job is to heat water, the water is held in the panels and is heated through the concentrated action of sunlight and gets pumped into the pipes to the bathroom.

Many people believe that these cells won’t be able to work in stormy or cloudy days. In fact with increasing research and development, not only are these cells becoming more efficient at absorbing enough light on either sunny or cloudy days, but they are also becoming generally more efficient, more productive, stronger and less expensive. Many options are also being explored and brought into practice. Such as- A company, Uni-Solar has developed solar collection arrays for home use that have an advanced system which lets them store enough energy through the sunny days so that this energy can be used on other days also.

Another option in this regard goes by the name of PV System, already used in some small towns and suburban communities. This system works by connecting to the closest electrical fixture and transferring any excess sun-created power being stored at a certain house. This means more energy for the community, lowering of individual expenses, less pollution, less pressure on the grid and less stress on the nonrenewable energy producing facilities.

It is because of these various benefits and a kind of win-win situation being created for all that many big corporations are jumping in the fray to use solar power as an efficient renewable energy fuel. Such as- Google building a huge solar radiation collection farm on the top of its corporate seat. Meanwhile, smart nations like powers in Asia and the West have got ahead in the race by providing grants to researchers or by allowing tax rebates to groups and people who take the initiative to use renewable energy sources for producing what they need for consumption. Because more and more technological advancements are made and this area becomes highly profitable as well as an ethical necessity, we can look forward to living in a much greener, cleaner world.

Originally posted 2010-05-13 15:14:02. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

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