Soap and Glory Thick and Fast Mascara
Let's face it, everyone loves a freebie. So, when I saw that Elle were giving away Soap and Glory's Thick and Fast Mascara in their March issue I snapped it up! I originally tried this mascara way back in March when I first bought it but wasn't particularly impressed. I recently rediscovered it in my makeup bag and figured I'd give it another try so that I could post a review.Unfortunately after using this mascara for over a week now I can say I'm still not very impressed. Soap and Glory is a brand that I am often drawn to because I love their packaging but I'm not very familiar with their makeup, in fact the Thick and Fast Mascara is the first item of Soap and Glory makeup that I have tried.

Soap and Glory Thick and Fast Mascara wand
As a beauty blogger I have used a lot of different mascaras over the lifetime of this blog and generally I like a big brush on my mascara to build a dramatic effect. The brush on Thick and Fast is absolutely huge, however it is so big it makes it difficult to build the mascara without getting fallout all over the eye lid. The bristles on the brush are quite soft and its very difficult to coat the lashes properly. It feels like the brush is too soft and just tickles the lashes instead of grabbing them to extend them and properly cover them.

Left: No mascara Right: Soap and Glory Thick and Fast Mascara
It is possible to build Thick and Fast and get a decent effect. However, it does take quite a few coats and some perseverance.I have read some really positive reviews of this product but as you can probably tell I'm not a huge fan of Soap and Glory's Thick and Fast Mascara, mainly because it takes a lot of effort to get any real effect.In my opinion this is very much a day to day mascara and does not qualify as a false lash effect mascara. If I had paid £10 for it I'd have been pretty disappointed. Have you tried Soap and Glory's Thick and Fast Mascara? What did you think?