So yesterday Theresa May triggered the biggest and most complicated divorce case in modern history by signing a letter to be received by the European Union signalling that the United Kingdom was to leave. The letter was handed over to Donald Tusk, the President of the European Council and a two year countdown clock began. Now frantic negotiations will take place between British officials and European ones to try and broker an all-encompassing deal that will be satisfactory to both. It will not be an easy task.
The letter was received in Brussels at exactly 12.28 hours and this is the moment for which we can track the progress of the talks that will take place. Remember, this takes place under Venus retrograde in Aries, an aggressive review, or in this case break of a relationship and a renegotiation of a new one. As with the nature of Venus, matters financial, monetary and those of values and society will also be on the table for scrutiny.

The chart above shows the Sun (sovereignty and self determination) and Venus retrograde (review of a relationship) across the most public divide of the Aries Midheaven, the most public part of any chart. It is a potent triple conjunction, the heart of the matter involved most elevated at the moment the letter was handed over. Venus in this chart rules the 11th house of friends, groups hope and dreams and the 4th house of beginnings and endings. Very appropriate don't you think? Chiron sits in conjunction with Venus in the 9th house of the law, philosophy, learning, belief and international relations and this suggests a lot of pain and wounding to both sides sitting across the table. As Donald Tusk said in his speech after receiving the British letter, this was a sad day and it showed through this conjunction. this conjunction trines the Cancerian ascendant, one highlighting issues to the past, homeland, family and security values. A family is broken, one of the children is leaving the nest and branching out into the big wide world, it is a painful time. This 9th house conjunction is also square to Saturn, bringing a serious vibe to the situation. These deliberations are likely to take TIME, they will not be fast, and that doesn't bode well for either side in the long run.
This chart is ruled by Cancer and thus the Moon, and the Moon sits exactly conjunct to Mercury, the planet of communication and of course of letters. This very close conjunction, incredibly just 3 seconds of a degree apart sits conjunct to Uranus, the planet of revolt, shocks, doing your own thing and independence. This conjunction sits opposite to Jupiter in Libra, short for international (Jupiter) diplomacy, justice and relationships (Libra) and square to Pluto in Capricorn, the break-up and transformation (Pluto) of administrative systems (Capricorn). The effect of these deliberations and talks will have a big worldwide effect (Jupiter) will shake things up (Uranus) and affect the balance of power and control (Pluto) that both the European Union and the UK can eventually wield. Saturn makes a triple trine to the Moon, Mercury and Uranus, suggesting the information in the letter can be used as a basis for some kind of organised plan of action.
There is not all bad news here though. The Midheaven in Ain Aries connected to Venus and the Sun is ruled by Mars, the planet of action. Now Mars on this chart is in the house of friends and cooperation, hopes and dreams, and this is a good sign that both parties will work together. Yes, Mars in Taurus is in a fixed sign, it does not like change or and does not want to budge from it's stated aims, however there is a lot of determination here and an ability to keep on going. Even better, Mars receives a sextile from imaginative Neptune, and so there are possibilities here that ingenious solutions to problems or blockages may eventually be found. Maybe they won't be perfect, but something is better than nothing, isn't it?
Saturn's position on any chart highlights where there might be problems, and in the 6th house we find links to the police, military services, workers rights, health and the welfare of citizens, social security and the sharing of data. Now military cooperation is through NATO, so that's a different system and no problems there, but you may find that cooperation and control matters could cause issues in these areas of negotiation and battles of power may ensue, especially as Pluto sits in this house too.
Neptune and Chiron are in the 9th house of international trade and the laws of the land, and this bodes several approaches, mass acceptance but then potential confusion, backtracking and hurtful deliberations. I wonder if proper trade deals may be agreed at all, or maybe they will initially get some kind of deal that is reneged as problems are uncovered? These talks are unusual, in so much as everything is on the table from the start. All the regulations, laws, trade deals etc etc are already on in the books, and it's which ones to repeal or amend or agree on for the satisfaction of both parties that is important. The planets represent this too as Neptune sits widely conjunct to the South Node which isn't a great omen, it a wide approach connected to things that which we already know, so Neptune will tend to act as a dissolving agent, like strong acid that corrodes and melts things down. I feel on this side of things, everyone will start off with good intentions, but once that poker hands are shown and the cards are on the table, the distrusting, sacrificing and ultimately suffering side of Neptune in Pisces will kick in. Divorce settlements are rarely straightforward, especially ones as complicated and complex as these ones are likely to be.

Now with Britain, there is the extra elephant in the room - Scotland, who voted as a people to remain in Europe. Article 50 against the UK natal chart is shown above and as you can see, transiting retrograde Venus (the UK's chart is ruled by Venus through a Libra ascendant) is opposing Uranus, the planet of breaking away and doing your own thing. Transiting Uranus trines Saturn, indicating a new way of doing things with the UK's natal Saturn sitting in the house of groups. That's incidentally why we the UK were unhappy with our relationship with the EU as we like to run and administer groups, we are a dictatorial nation that had no say with Europe run from Brussels and Strasbourg.
The UK's natal Pluto, ruling our money (Scorpio rules 2nd house), business links and our values and affecting our 5th house of individuality and diplomacy has the transiting South Node sitting on top of it, a detrimental influence that will affect the value of the UK currency, the pound and our attractiveness to businesses. Transiting Jupiter squared the UK's natal Moon exactly (orb 0.01 degree!!), the moon being the Midheaven ruler, so here's the sense of optimism and the almost smug celebratory mood that people (Moon) and the ruling party (Midheaven) had as the letter was handed over. A square is though a difficult angle, forcing one to act to a new situation.
Finally, and most importantly, transiting Pluto also opposes that natal Moon, just 0.09 degrees from an exact opposition. The Moon represents the peoples and the nations of the UK, and Pluto is a long term transformational influence that will completely break down anything in it's path and thoroughly restructure or transform it. Here this aspect is an opposition, pitting one side against another, and as we know, as the Brexit letter was handed over, the devolved Scottish government voted for a second independence vote. Back before the 23rd June 2016 vote on April 16th 2016 in an article about the UK referendum then I wrote this...
"The really powerful aspect starting to form though on the UK chart is transiting Pluto on the way to opposing the UK Moon. The Moon rules the top of the chart, the public face of the UK and this shows a complete transformation in the face of the nation that the world sees. There is definite change coming in the next year or two, and the ramifications of an exit vote for Europe could lead to the entire break up of the United Kingdom. Yes, we are talking a vital decision that could have ramifications of mammoth proportions.
You see, Scotland is very Euro friendly whereas the English seem to be very Euro sceptic. There was a vote a couple of years ago where Scotland decided not to break away from the UK, but the question of Scottish independence is still a live one at Holyrood, where the Scottish parliament sits. Pluto opposing the Moon shows a potential change in the population of the UK or even a break up and transformation (Pluto) of the nation and it's peoples (Moon). The stakes for the 23rd June vote could not be any higher"
You can reread that article by clicking on this link - UK 2016 Referendum. After seeing things transpire exactly as I thought they would, I maintain this view even more now. In recent weeks I have been working on a technique which I have labelled "Local Astrology", inspired by Bernadette Brady and her fixed stars work several years ago. It allows me to use relationships between the planets and the stars to glimpse into the future and work out the general motivations and events happening on any place on planet earth way before it actually happens. This is localised Astrology, more for a region or even a town rather than the overriding effect that the planets have. Here is where we distil the wider effects of the movements of the planets down to a much more specific level. The referendum vote and the subsequent split in opinion between the peoples of England and Wales in comparison to those in Scotland gives me a perfect opportunity to show this in action.
With regard to local Astrology there are two approaches, using AstroCartography and using Star planet relationships. I've looked at both, and the use of the stars is so much more subtle and informative. Each star has a specific quality or area of life that it represents, and as the planets connect with them in relationship to the ever spinning earth, the effect of those connections become clear. I use four angles to demonstrate these connections, the local Eastern and Western horizons, the "Rising" and "Setting" points, the "Culmination" point i.e. the highest point in the sky above the horizon that the planet or star attains in a 24 hour period for that location and the "Nadir", the opposite lowest point below the horizon in that 24 hour period. Thus you have a series of relationships, or "Parans" that affect any location on earth every single day as the earth spins on it's axis. A Paran is formed when a star or a planet hits one of the angles at the same time as another one does. For example the planet Mars may be at it's highest point in the sky above the horizon as the star Regulus, the main star in the constellation of Leo is setting on the Western horizon. That is a paran and the trick is to combine the qualities of Mars (action, aggression and entrepreneurial spirit) with the qualities of Regulus, (a star of kings, notoriety, success, power but one of downfall if revenge is avoided). Thus you can imagine a moment where aggression or positive action is used (Mars) to grab power and gain success (Regulus). That's the principle I use at least...
I move forward two years to late March 2019 and I have below a series of star planet relationships that are active at the same times over both London and Edinburgh. From the different latitudes, London at 51 degrees North and Edinburgh at 55 degrees North, you can envisage that these places on earth are going to have different angles to the stars and planets as the earth spins, and thus very different paran connections, and this from the list below is true. You can therefore imagine very different approaches to situations in both London and Edinburgh as the Brexit negotiations end. In London there is excitement and anticipation "Sun to Arcturus" and "Moon to Phact" and if Theresa May is in charge she will be seen in a very good light "Venus to Regulus" & "Jupiter to Ras Alhague"
In Scotland there is a different picture. Nicola Sturgeon if she is in charge seems more stoical and wanting to highlight local national Scottish values "Sun to Markab" and there may be a feeling that something has been lost "Moon to Alkes" "Pluto to Zosma" with anger building "Moon to El Nath". There is a sense of social suffering "Venus to Zosma" and the feeling that a dictatorial mood is taking over Edinburgh "Venus to Hamal".
From this you can feel the onset of an angry public wanting to take things out on London and the English for taking Scotland out of Europe against the public will. Old enmities are rising two years from now, and that totally reflects the traditional Astrology of Pluto opposing the UK Moon and yet adds a level of detail that is almost impossible with traditional Western Astrology.
I will be exploring this amazing and incredibly valuable technique in the weeks and months to come...
Tuesday 26 March 2019 in London, UK 51°N30' 00°W10'
Sun Setting when Arcturus is Rising - Strong or new leadership is needed or emerges. Path finding, breaking new ground and willing to explore unheard of options. A leader or a person who embodies a spirit of adventure or is drawn to those who do.
Moon Culminating when Phact is On Nadir - The public hungry for adventure, craving for something new and exciting. A romantic adventure grips society. Thrill seeking. A feeling of embracing the unknown and moving into situations that are unfamiliar. A bold risk is taken.
Venus Rising when Deneb Algedi is Rising - Financial laws are enacted or have to be considered. The currency rises or falls. The values of society are conservative and stable. An appreciation of national art, culture and social customs. Loving classic films, music or literature.
Venus On Nadir when Regulus is Culminating - The leader reflects the mood of society in an important situation. High level diplomacy & social gatherings. Creative people or ideas get recognition. A leading figure is questioned over his/her actions by society
Venus Culminating when Sadalmelek is Culminating - The leader is seen and lucky and fortunate. A message of prudence is given, society urged to accept financial constraints. An appreciation of beauty, colour, design and fashion, influencing the wider world. A celebrity is in the limelight.
Venus Culminating when Regulus is On Nadir - The leader reflects the mood of society in an important situation. High level diplomacy & social gatherings. Creative people or ideas get recognition. A leading figure is questioned over his/her actions by society
Mars Setting when Alnilam is Setting - Active problem solving by coordinating large groups. Being positive and bridging a gap, action to pull resources together. A physical, political or sporting challenge or team needs coordination or a new manager. Anger or arguments between groups/peoples/leaders
Jupiter Setting when Alphard is On Nadir - The darker side of human nature makes the news, disturbing stories and events. Obsession over religion or faith schools/education. Probing into problem areas of life, the black economy or the criminal world to find answers and solutions.
Uranus Culminating when Fomalhaut is Setting - A collective desire, idealism gets in the way of action leading to inertia. Sensitive to the dreams of one's culture and community, seeking to express through art, words or music the desires of the community. Taking something ordinary and turning it into something special.
Neptune Culminating when Alhena is Rising - To shake the ground, literally or metaphorically. An earthquake occurs affecting the collective. Marching ahead for an ideal or a pipe dream. The status quo is rocked, either socially, in art, culture, literature or popular media. Expressing different opinions.
Wednesday 27 March 2019 in Edinburgh, United Kingdom 55°N57' 03°W12'
Sun Setting when Markab is Setting -A strong, persistent leader, an unchanging or unyielding person takes control of things in a atmosphere of flux and change. Solid and moral objectives and philosophies. Looking to set firm foundations for the future. Upholding local customs and traditions
Moon Rising when Alkes is Setting -A time focusing on what can be saved, the public are emotional feeling towards precious things & people lost. A love of nature & the natural world. Biology, exploring life
Moon Rising when Menkar is On Nadir - High emotions in general public. Emotions channelled to or respond to the needs of the collective. Actions having far reaching effect. The public feel victimised as a small part of a far larger situation
Moon Setting when Alderamin is Culminating - A natural leader emerges or comes to the fore. Earning respect through dedication to the cause. Caring about those who have little influence. Promoting ideals and a better way of living.
Venus Rising when Bellatrix is On Nadir - Dealing with a rogue or a criminal element, someone breaks social conventions or laws. Unconventional relationships are made, associations that are controversial. Unusual financial dealings
Venus Setting when Zosma is Rising - Racism or a group or society either suffers or is affected by it's nationality, creed, beliefs or colour. A feeling of lack of self esteem or alienation overcomes the people, feeling ostracised out of touch with the overall mood of things. Relationships suffer
Venus Rising when Hamal is Rising - A time of the dictator, a dominant leader taking action and control. Seeking different ways of relating and little regard for others. Creative in a unique way and entrepreneurial way. A forceful attitude to relationship situations, trying to be the dominant partner
Jupiter Setting when Diadem is Setting - By helping others, problems can be solved. A generous person acts, or someone who uses and abuses others. Giving unselfishly to all cultures and creeds, or expecting others to contribute to help expansion and growth.
If you are interested in my work, please visit my website - www.solarisastrology.co.uk or my Facebook page