My older son reminded me that I needed to read the Slough House series from the beginning. I downloaded the audiobook--which is excellent--but quickly realized I needed to see words on a page to fix the various names and places in my head.
So I alternated between listening and reading--and it worked well. There were subtleties I might have missed in either form but combining the two was completely delightful.
Wry, dry humor and an ensemble cast of interesting folks with a past, this is a kind of spy story new to me. A gang of discredited MI5 spooks are the slow horses, condemned to serve out their careers at Slough House, doing busywork until they quit from frustration--or die.
But there's so much else going on--plots within plots and if you blink, you may miss something important. That's why the reading/listening approach worked so well for me.
I am looking forward to diving into the rest of the series. Plus, there's a television series, starring Gary Oldman, to look forward to.
There's an excellent, more comprehensive review HERE