In this video I show you how I reset the service due warning indicator in a Skoda Superb 2.0l TDI Elegance CR 170 2012 using the multi-functional display (MK2 2008 – 2015)
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(Oh and he’s the rabbit in the video if you’re wondering)
The content of this video is for information and entertainment value only and it’s creator makes no claims, promise or guarantees of it’s accuracy, coverage, instruction or adequacy of the procedures contained therein.
Hat Boy Harvey assumes no liability for property damage or injury incurred as a result of any of the information contained in this video.
Hat Boy Harvey recommends correct safety practices when working on motor vehicles, vehicle lifting tools, axle stands, hand tools, electrical equipment, chemical, products and consumable parts, lubricants or any other tools, equipment, chemical product and consumable parts, lubricants seen or implied in this video.
No information contained in this video shall create any expressed or implied warranty or guarantee of any kind of expected result including any injury, damage or loss that may result from improper use of the information contained in this video and the use of any tools, equipment, seen or described in this video and is the sole responsibility of the viewer and user and not Hat Boy Harvey.
Music: Race_car / Hallow_s_Beach. youtube_audiolibrary
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Artykuł Skoda Superb II SERVICE LIGHT RESET (2008 – 2015, multi-Info Display) pochodzi z serwisu Mobilny Mechanik Warszawa .