Gardening Magazine

Six on Saturday 13/03/2021

By Ronniejt28 @hurtledto60

Odd, but typical, March weather this week. Very strong south west winds and heavy showers. In between those times, the sun has been a joy to be out in. I spent a lot of time on the allotment this last week, weeding and getting ready for the first plantings.

I am including in my Six this week a couple of photo that is not related to anything I am growing, one is beautiful and the other is funny, I bought it was anyway.

1. A rainbow

Six on Saturday 13/03/2021

Not strictly garden related, although seen from my patio, I wanted to include this in my Six this week. On Thursday evening I looked out of the window at the trees lit up in a strange yellow by the evening sun. The sky behind was a dark gray full of rain. Then I saw the most beautiful rainbow.

2 Pole dancing squirrel

Six on Saturday 13/03/2021

Apologise for the blurred photo, it’s a screenshot of a short video I took. This squirrel was not going to be deterred from getting to the bird feeders. It went up the pole and slid down again four times before going away, but 5 minutes later it returned and had another two goes. It was so funny to watch!

3. The allotment garden

Six on Saturday 13/03/2021

The roses have lots of buds, the Day Lilies are producing healthy leaves and the alliums (on the right) are looking promising. I planted several small foxglove plants during autumn last year and although I’ve lost one Gaura. As the year progresses the beds will fill out and be full of color – can’t wait! I’ve used a photo of the Day Lilies for my header.

4. Red grass

Six on Saturday 13/03/2021

At the back of the bed, I have a variety of grasses. This one is throwing up bright red leaves and is going to look stunning. I can’t find the label so not sure what it’s name is, but think it might be Imperata Red Baron (blood grass).

5. Rhubarb ‘Champagne’

Six on Saturday 13/03/2021

I’ve been laughed at and told it was impossible to kill rhubarb. Clearly, I have proved that to be wrong. I inherited a couple of ‘Victoria’ plants in the allotment and sadly last year they were infested with woodlice and died – I have no idea why. I bought two new plants late last year, one a ‘Victoria’ and the other ‘Champagne’. Both are looking good and so far (fingers crossed) there is no a woodlice in sight.

6. Clematis Montana

Six on Saturday 13/03/2021

As I’m writing this at home I can’t remember the name of this Montana, although I do know it’s definitely not Elizabeth or Mayleen. I am training it over my shed roof. I love to see all the buds appearing.

Thank you to The Propagator for this wonderful weekly meme where we can show off how our garden spaces are progressing from week to week. Please visit him, there is always something interesting to look at.

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