Rod Fleming: Heterosexuality is the default human position, absolutely. Evolutionary pressure alone assures that. However, don’t forget the importance of ‘situational homosexuality’. Extreme examples of this occur in prisons, boarding schools, and other single-sex environments. Although more work has been done on the male variant, it happens in women too. This means that in some cultures the number of people who have, perhaps even regularly, indulged in homosexual behavior, is much greater than the number of those for whom it is their primary orientation.
This even becomes a defined feature in many cultures, where young males go through a phase of being submissive sexual partners to older ones. Once they get older, they adopt the dominant role BUT they also marry women and become fathers.
Homosexuality is a very complex phenomenon, massively influenced by culture. I think this is because the imperative to have sex, particularly for men, is stronger than the imperative for heterosexual sex.
Thanks Rod. I am quite familiar with situational homosexuality. A lot of young straight men engage in some sort of sexual behavior with men when they are young, say between 18-30, particularly say 19-23. I saw enough of it with my own eyes, though I never participated and it always creeped me out big time. Sometimes they did it right in front of my face (guys grabbing each other and kissing each other). I was disgusted and frightened. Later they got mad at me for not joining in the faggy fun!
These young men had sexual things going on with women too, but just not very often or at least not often enough. Later in life, I think all of them did the default marrying or LTR’s with women and even having kids. The gay stuff early on was just a short term detour, a side road off their main route in life.
Young men need sex with women. When you deprive young men of women to have sex with, they’re going to screw guys.
Regarding your last sentence, see above. The dominant theme of men’s sex lives is, “A pole needs a hole.” No women around? Fine, they’ll screw a guy. Or a little girl. Or an old lady. Or maybe an animal. Or probably even a hole in a wall.
Older women often say, “Men will fuck anything.” In a sense, they are largely correct.
Regarding women, let me tell you something.
I know a thing or two about women’s prisons. There is far more sex going on in a typical women’s prison than in a typical men’s prison. The sexual energy in those places is crazy. They even create their own dildos, I think in the bakery, though I am not sure how they do it. Most are basically straight women. They call, “Gay for the stay, straight at the gate.” As soon as they leave prison, those women go right back to men.
Behind Gay Bars
There is not nearly as much sex going on in men’s prisons as people think. Further, there’s a strong taboo against homosexuality among many of the very masculine men who are typically in there.
A friend of mine did some time in Los Angeles County Jail, only a 4-5 months. It must have been pretty bad in there though because when he came out, he was far worse than when he went in. He was basically full-on psycho when he got out. I don’t see the point of imprisonment if they are even more violent, nuts and psycho when they get out than when they went in. What’s the point?
He told me they had a “Nut Tank” for the crazies. It was a segregated unit separate from the main unit for seriously mentally ill or disturbed prisoners. They also had a “Queen Tank” for the gay men, who were also segregated from the main unit.
I know some guys who did some serious prison time and they told me there is not nearly as much sex in there as you might think, and rape is not real common either. They said the majority of men who are not doing very serious hard time or life don’t participate in gay sex behind bars. Even guys doing ~10-20 years often don’t participate in homosexuality behind bars.