Family Magazine

Simple Ways to Stay in Shape

By Karlaew1 @simplelivingfam

This is a guest post by Erin Cox. Erin’s new book, ONE HOT MAMA: The Guide to Getting Your Mind and Body Back After Baby, is being published by Hay House this November.

Simple Ways to Stay in Shape
My to-do list just hit two pages…and I know I am not alone! It seems as though the busier I am, the harder it is to fit in exercise. Any mom knows that between caring for small kids, keeping a house in order and our families in clean clothes, making sure there is food in the fridge, and for some women, trying to do this all in addition to a job outside the home, exercising can unfortunately be the first thing to go. Being a busy mom of three who also wants to stay fit and trim, I’ve had to get a little creative to fit in my daily exercise. I also try to make sure that my workouts offer a benefit in addition to the actual fitness aspect to maximize my time.

Here are a few examples:

Multitask exercise and checking items off of your to do list – For example, when I have small things to take to the post office, I put my two little ones in the stroller and walk a mile and a half each way.

Practice yoga – With yoga, you are getting in a workout while improving your sense of calm and inner peace. There are so many great videos that can be done at home, and to add in a little variety, you can go check out new videos each week at the library! Yoga can even be done with headphones to listen to peaceful music while your kids play in the same room.

Listen to interesting or informational podcasts while walking or jogging – that way you are learning something new while getting in a good sweat! My favorites include Hay House Radio iPhone app, The Splendid Table podcast, NPR’s Science Friday Podcast, Jillian Michael’s Podcast, and the This American Life podcast.

Get a membership at a gym with childcare  – When you need a break, having a gym with childcare can offer you a much-needed break while the added benefit of getting in a workout. I know women who use this time to exercise, then sit in the steam room and get in a nice long shower.  It’s worth the additional cost!

Make walking or workout dates with friends – Socializing while working out is a perfect way to stay in touch and bond with your friends while staying in shape.

Plan your workouts at the beginning of the week – Scheduling in your workouts will make you much more likely to get them done and check them off of your list. With such busy schedules, workouts can easily get dropped unless you are holding yourself accountable.

The point is to make sure you are maximizing your workout time and are fitting in exercising while improving your life in other ways. It can be done, and I know you can do it!

For more tips and inspiration, connect with Erin at or

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