I've been sick for 3 days now, and wasn't able to dress up and take pictures. I, literally, stayed in my sweatpants, and a robe the whole entire time.But I'm lucky I had an outfit ready for you guys (from last week) that I didn't have a chance to post. Well, now is the perfect time, because, seriously, I can't even get up and do something. Hooray for laptops, because I can write laying down!Anyway, I was inspired to do this outfit by Pinterest (of course!), and I love it so much, because:
1. It's super cute.2. I LOVE gray.3. The pop of pink makes it look refreshing.
My pink scarf is not as bright as on the picture, but it's pink, and it still looks good :)

What I wore:Scarf {Amazon, HERE}Grey Shirt {TjMaxx, similar HERE}Jeans {Delias, similar HERE and HERE}Booties {GoJane, similar HERE}Bracelets {Kohls}
Thank you for reading, and hope you guys are not sick! This is not fun.