Howdy everyone! Just a quick opening post from me today since I’ve already spent a few hours working on this today. I may not get back to this blog for a while, see below…This is not my first foray into the blogging world, but its been >5 years since I last blogged at Xanga. Yes its been that long….
To introduce myself:
I am a PhD student at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Smithville, TX, where I am studying cellular responses to cellular stresses such as DNA damage and ROS. Grad school has been a long, difficult marathon (almost 7 years!), but I’m now in my final semester (finally!), about to defend my (yet-to-be-written) dissertation in April, and between now and then, I will be attending 2 back-to-back conferences on different coasts, so as you might guess I shouldn’t be spending much time reading/writing other stuff like this….After my defense, I will hopefully have time to start more serious blogging here, as I start transitioning to my TBD postdoctoral position somewhere else.
Apart from cancer research, I enjoy technology (am a Mac and iPhone lover), listening to and making music (I play the flute and played the piano when I was younger), travel when I have the opportunity, and general internet-ty stuff (twitter, forums etc). At this point, I don’t imagine this blog will be too heavily focused on any one area. Please let me know how I’m doing once I start some real posts.
If you need to contact me for any reason, feel free to email me: thecancergeek @ google’s email service.
Oh and the obligatory disclaimer: All my posts are my own opinion, and not that of any of my past or present employers.