I’m alive! Yes, I see its been a whole YEAR since I last posted, and you might be wondering what’s up and if I’ve given up writing….well….it’s been quite a year, and 2017 is going to be very exciting I hope! I’ll be moving on from my postdoc in the new year, so the past ~8 months have been solid paper-submissions/revisions/rapid missing data generation. My fellowship funding (from the Army) is running out at the end of the month, after getting 2 no-cost-extensions to spend the money over a longer period of time, and after a little over 5 years of post-doc’ing I am ready for a new challenge. With the news today that my IBC paper has been accepted for publication in Oncotarget, I get to check off one more item on the list of loose ends🙂 I’ll do a post explaining it more later once it is online officially!

Soo…as of Jan 2, I’ll be doing a short 2nd transition postdoc in my new department (Breast Medical Oncology) until the position can be officially posted/I can

With a job that is more around normal office hours with remote work possibility, I hope I’ll have even more time for writing, volunteering with the IBC Network, and perhaps some more travel and fun stuff. However, as has been been my attitude regarding research throughout grad school and postdoc, doing my work well will still be my top priority, so don’t expect me to be partying every night.
With that news….3 busy last days of post-doc wrap-up to go! I’d better get off to bed, since Tuesday am is coming up very soon.