The tricky thing about setting fitness goals is, it must be something you're not already willing or able to do (or it wouldn't be a goal, right?) But it also can't be something so far beyond your comfort zone that it's too distant to make progress toward.
Take the "Five-A-Day" mantra that's been promoted by various health organizations for nearly three decades. You'd think that eating enough vegetables and fruits to satisfy it would be easy, right? Not so fast - less than a quarter of population hit even 3 servings a day, and that INCLUDES potatoes prepared as chips and fries.
Set fitness goals that will actually happen. Click To Tweet
With that in mind, how confident are you that you could start eating five servings of fruits and veggies a day? It's only 3 cups worth of food, so what's the big deal? The answer depends entirely on how far that goal sits beyond your comfort zone. If the goal is so close to your comfort zone that you'd be embarrassed to tell a friend or family member you failed to hit it, you're in the right place!
The biggest benefit to these goals is the immediate feeling of accomplishment when you DO achieve them. That's the kind of motivation that will keep you going.
Here are some great examples of "too-easy-not-to-hit" goals;
Whether or not you decide to use our service, or believe anything in these emails, we hope you do yourself the favor of starting to work toward your goals RIGHT NOW. Really, there's not one single reason to put it off. When you take the time to choose goals carefully, one-by-one, you make a habit of success. Mark your calendar every day you meet your small goals and soon enough you'll have the momentum of a streak going.
It takes 21 days to make a habit; even if you're starting from zero you could be eating seven servings of fruits and vegetables effortlessly within six months. 7-a-day reduces the risk of death from any disease by more than 40% [1], with your risk of cancer dropping by one quarter!
So set some simple fitness goals and get ready to feel great about reaching them. Everyone here at Hey Beautiful is rooting for you!
Share with us your fitness goals in the comments below.
You can also read this for more information >> Just Diet!