[coined by Horace Walpole, from the Persian fairytale The Three Princes of Serendip, in which the heroes possess this gift]serendipity, n
- the faculty of making fortunate discoveries by accident

There’s no fitting word to describe how I managed to find myself in this cramped and tight dessert space. If I can remember the reason we ended here is that one of our companion suddenly felt the cravings for some sweets because of the heavy dinner we had in Weehawken.

I was very sleepy at that time but since I love sweets I gladly agreed to our friends suggestion. BesidesI don’t want to disrespect our friend who has been driving for us in the entire day.

Being first timers we suddenly became somewhat excited when our companion drop the movie Serendipity during our conversations. I was told that this place is rich in history and even Marilyn Monroe visited this place. Not really a fan of Kate Beckinsale but seeing her

It’s already past 10PM when we arrived in the area and parking was quite difficult. The street wasn’t brightly lit and the place was quite stark. There were group of people hanging around in the entrance. Good thing Monsai, was able to squeeze through door and made a table reservation for five people. And so we waited outside for almost an hour in the winter time until our name was finally called up by the waiter.
And whaddya know the place is surprisingly small, crammed and packed with people. We sat down and ordered their famous Frozen Hot Chocolate. Their menu is huge and somewhat made up of interesting names like Chicken Not So Little (soup), The Catcher in the Rye (sandwich) and Forbidden Broadway Sundae to name a few. The ambience is cozy even with the moderate chattering in the background. The interiors are interesting I guess especially the waiting area filled with oddities like Cougar Soap and Cock Blocker.
Cougar Soap - It's killer!
Another waiting time and finally the Frrrozen Hot Chocolate is finally served.Frrrozen Hot Chocolate
The serving was huge, I was actually expecting a smaller cup. As I slowly sip the beverage I guess it’s what everything people have rave about its a tasty drink that taste like your chocolate blended drink. I didn’t try to make sense of it and just literally sip the whole damn thing. And I have to say it's definitely good as advertise. Service was all right and most of them were nice enough to refill our glasses with water

Ultimate Cream Brulee
225 E 60th St(between 2nd Ave & 3rd Ave)
New York, NY 10022
Neighborhood: Upper East Side (212) 838-3531www.serendipity3.com