Fitness Magazine

September Goals

By Alyssa_dld @alyssa_dld

Remember when I used to post monthly goals and recaps? Chances are you don’t because it was so long ago.  I can’t think of anything noteworthy to write today, or rather I don’t want to complain about all the crappy football games I watched this weekend.  So I am bringing back the goals.  I enjoyed those posts anyways. 

I’m going to do a quick recap of my way long ago April goals first.

Goal 1. Complete half marathon and PR. CHECK!

The half marathon went awesome and I finished with a 15+ minutes PR.

Goal 2.  Take a new class at the gym. CHECK!

It took me till the end of August to go, but I went to Zumba.  It’s been awhile since I’ve taken a Zumba class but it was a lot of fun.

Goal 3. April Photo a day.  half-check.

It partially happened but I only got in half the photos.  I was too lazy to put together a collage.

Goal 4. Take better care of skin.  CHECK!

I’ve been much better about washing my face before bed every night and after working out.

Goal 5. Spring cleaning.  CHECK!

This happened, but my apartment is now so dirty again.  Maybe a fall cleaning?

Onto the new goals!

Goal 1.  Strength train 3 times a week.

So I been a little bit unmotivated ever since I finished the half Ironman.  Which was almost 2 months ago now.  So I will just tell you I’ve been quite the lazy pile for a bit.  I seem to have hit a groove with exercise now, in the last week so I plan to continue on this path. 

Goal 2.  Clean apartment weekly. 

The summer months have been filled with non-stop traveling.  The casualty has been my apartment.  I lost count of how many times I unpacked my clean clothes from my laundry basket on Thursday night and repacked it with dirty laundry to take home.  Pathetic.  I should be too embarrassed to tell you that my kitchen floor had so many crumbs on it, I hated to walk on it. 

Goal 3.  Floss regularly.

I went to the dentist and they always remind me that I need to floss more.  It is just one of those things that I always neglect though.  I think once I get into the habit it will stick but it will take a few weeks to form the habit.

Goal 4.  Compete in one more triathlon.

I have a few in mind, but I really want to round out the summer with another triathlon.  I’ve only done two this summer and a third would make me very happy!

That’s all the goals I have for this month!

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