Business Magazine

SEO Secrets Revealed

Posted on the 24 February 2013 by Mankam23

SEO is a task that any serious webmaster has to get busy doing in order to rank high in search engines and attract more visitors to the site. WordPress has become the best platform for SEO purposes, it is search engines friendly and get indexed quickly.

More and more people opt for WordPress to build their sites and rank high in google and other major search engines. Having said this, one must follow certain rules to get the expected results, which is to get indexed and rank high. 

NB: This post is only a continuation of the page I wrote before on SEO Tips


SEO Tips For All

Google SEO follows certain rules and I'm going to do my best and list them to the best of my abilities. Maybe some of you are already following these rules, if that's the case keep it up nad if not, get busy now if you wanna get your site indexed in Google and other search engines. Below are some SEO tips that one should take seriously:


  • Permalinks are URLs associated with your webpages. These are located in your WP Dashboard, in the settings erea and it's important that each link reflect the content of each post or page. The screenshot looks like this and usually comes as default. Make sure you change the default and choose Post Name.



  • Title: This is where your most important and primary keywords should appear. To include your site description, simply go to Settings > General > write down your site description.


  • Content: It's important to write good content, and write with your targeted audience in mind. That's why it's important to write about something you know a lot about, something you are passionate about. That way it's easier to get inspired and write great content.


  • Sitemaps: For a single WP site, you can use the plugin called WP SEO:XML Sitemaps by Yoast, and for multisite, I use BWP Google XML Sitemaps by Khang Minh. I have used both and they are WP compatible, no stress whatsoever.


  • Image Optimization: Some post get found by the titles of the images link to them. When adding an image to a site, it's vital to give it a name. Doing this little task can bring another hundreds of visitors to a site on a daily basis.


  • Newsletters and RSS Feeds: This is another SEO friendly tool that analyses the conversion rate of your site.


  • Updates: adding new content toa site is another great way to have it crawled constantly. Search engines will visit your site everytime is a new content is added


  • Internal Links: Internal links between pages and posts have now become one of SEO favourites. It's therefore important to interlink your old pages and posts with each other and it helps keep them fresh.


  • Social Networking: Social media sites are another way to drag visitors to your site very quickly. This is one of the most effective ways to attract traffic and een get people to link back to your site.

I seriously believe that following these steps will boost your site visibility, I have done it and I'm seeing the results every day. This is one of the reasons why I decided to write this post. The above steps are the ones I've tested on my blogs and I can really see the difference. I sincerely think that, if I can do it anyone else can.

I will be happy to have you share ideas on this blog too, everyone is welcomed.


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