I love going out, because it is always an excuse to get a little bit more dolled up than usual. True story, I the main reason I go out is just to get dressed up. I had stumbled across a new secret gem of a store while strolling downtown San Diego on my lunch break, and I am in love. This skirt was the first thing I saw (and grabbed), and I feel like we were meant to be together. I have pledged to myself to stop buying black, for a while atleast. Which is why this coral color caught my eye. I am also a huge fan of the cut of this baby- just perfect. Anyways, I threw on a basic white ribbed tank to dress it down, a leather jacket to edge it up, my black woven Litas to lengthen my stems, oh and my new (fave) H&M hinge ring!

Post Script: head over to my Facebook fan page and give it a "LIKE"! I revamped it a bit, and plan to be hosting many more fashion giveaways this year!