Do one thing everyday that scares you!- Eleanor Roosevelt
Before and after knowing Law of Attraction, I knew that most of the people don't go after their dreams because they have doubts, are made fun of or they are simply not ready to face the society. This open letter by Diet Prada (run by Tony Liu and Lindsey Scheyuler) , an Instagram account that calls out fakes and copies of designs openly, is an example that hardships and being laughed at are just the part of the package. What's importnat is to remember "why you had this dream?" , "how much (self) love you are ready to give to this dream?" and "do you want to look at the problems or the solutions?". I promise means and support will come along only if you stand by your dream!
Hi Dieters! After almost four years of Diet Prada (4th b-day on December 14th!) and going in heavy the past year on bringing light to injustices in the fashion industry, I wanted to express why the Dolce & Gabbana DM scandal was so important and meaningful for Diet Prada to break with the help of @michaelstranova, @anthxnyxo, and the larger DP community who are as always, so integral in exploding our stories./ My parents immigrated to New York City from China in the early 1980s in hopes of a better future for themselves. While my mother first started working as a sewer in a garment factory, my dad washed dishes at a Chinese restaurant...not a glamorous job (one the Stefano might even call "dirty") but a respectable one that as enough, with the fundamental values of hard work, determination, and persistence, to start making a living and building a family./ Growing up in a predominantly white community in upstate New York, racism was insidious to the point of normalization. The difference now is that those same regressive attitudes are being propagated by two extremely powerful and public individuals. Soon enough, their alliances who choose to normalize this behavior by turning by blind eyes will also have to face accountability where Dolce & Gabbana failed to./ Recently I attended my uncle's 80th birthday (an important celebration in Chinese culture every 10 years from age 60). It was a huge reunion of 70+ family members...immigrants and first generation. After multiple speeches from the elders about the hardships they endured to come over to the States and the importance of their children's legacy, I haven't stopped wondering about my own purpose. What sort of impact would I make?/I feel proud that this "stupid fashion blog" (as Stefano calls it) was able to stir the spirit of the larger Chinese community to affect serious consequences on a major global luxury brand. A purported $12 million dollar runway show was cancelled within hours along with a major fallout from celebrities and luxury retail networks...and this is just the beginning. Will this have long-term impact on future market expansion? The rapid mobilization of the Chinese people in response seem to be an early indicator. Our coverage alone so far alone has amounted to a staggering 15 million + impressions...all because your shares and resposts. The takeaway is loud and clear: respect the consumers of the markets you want to profit from. You are not bestowing them a gift with...you're taking their money. See people as something more than just a line on the annual revenue reports./xoxo on behalf of DP
Before you go-
Let me know what you think of this letter?
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