The Friends of the Public Garden is preparing to embark on an exciting three-season study of the Boston Common to better understand how the park is used, the numbers and intensity of various types of use, where park users come from, and what their interests and needs are to help inform planning and management of this important greenspace. We are working with an experienced research firm to conduct this survey and are in need of volunteers to assist. Volunteers and some Friends staff will be carrying out the survey including observing and recording uses and conducting interviews.
Who: Volunteers who are available to work occasional shifts, usually ranging from 3 to 4 hours.
What: Interviewing and counting people on the Common
Where: Boston Common and Friends of the Public Garden offices across from the Common
When: Spring, summer and fall, various times of day (some early morning, some evenings but only during daylight); we will not observe or interview during winter.
Skills needed:► clear speaking voice in English, able to be heard outdoors;
► enthusiastic and comfortable approaching park users and asking questions about their patterns of park use and opinions about park issues;
► attention to detail and following instructions about interviewing and observing;
► nimble in making quick counts of large numbers of people while walking around the Common.
- Minimum commitment: 20 hours (training time + 5 shifts on different days, 3 hours /day)
maximum commitment: 40 hours (training time + 10 shifts on different days, 3-4 hours /day) - Desired work times: flexible, weekdays and weekends, normal park-use times from early morning through early evening; we hope that people will often work together in pairs