Politics Magazine

Schizoid Personality Disorder Vs. Asperger’s Syndrome

Posted on the 03 February 2017 by Calvinthedog

Ultra Cool: Is Asperger’s not the same as schizoid? They do seem to be VERY similar, at least on a superficial level.

Apparently quite a bit different, though the last DSM seemed to be saying that they are the same thing.

Schizoids do not seem nearly as weird and out of it as Aspies do. Schizoids seem like perfectly normal people who just want to be alone all the time and are perfectly happy that way. I don’t get the impression that they cannot read social cues or act odd or strange, etc. Also schizoids are rather muted emotionally, while Aspies are commonly wildly emotional to the point of frequent temper tantrums.

There is something really weird about Aspies. On some level, they just don’t get it. You do not that impression with Schizoids at all. They seem absolutely sane, other than just wanting to be alone all the time. Also, Schizoids do not react much to either praise or criticism. If you come down hard on an Aspie, they might flip.

Aspies sometimes strike me as resembling retarded people in some ways. Now, they are typically much smarter than retarded people, but I have seen quite a few Aspies with that “retarded person” look on their faces like they are completely out of it and have no idea what is going on.

Schizoids are almost excessively rational and cool. If you go to their forums, you would be surprised at how shockingly sane they are.

Schizoids could change but don’t want to. Aspies usually have no idea that anything is even wrong with them. Studies have shown that Schizoids tend to cluster a lot more with other personality disorders than with forms of autism.

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