Growth around the garden in June:
Cauliflower Violet Sicilian
Broccoli Albert
Mixed Spinach and Rocket
Mammoth Melting Climbing Snow Peas
Temperatures this month:
Lowest Min -1.2C
Highest Min 11.2C
Lowest Max 8.3C
Highest Max 16.4C
22.5mm Rainfall
Rain: Year To Date: 207mm (Average YTD: 153mm)
Comparison with other years:
June Average is 33.9mm:
2013 116.5mm
2012 24mm
2011 14.5mm
2010 13.5mm
2009 53mm
2008 27mm
2007 7.5mm
Harvest Tally:
Doesn't include Greens fed to the chooks on a daily basis or herbs picked for use in the kitchen for cooking or tea making. For Salads, Juice and Stirfries I have been picking Lettuce, Kale, Lebanese Cress, Spring Onions, Parsley, Silverbeet, Sorrel and Sweet Potato Leaves which are not always weighed.
Broccoli 155g
Potatoes 368g
Spinach 81g
Sweet Potato 226g
Total Veg Harvest for June .8Kgs
Total Eggs for June: 40 eggs.
39 From the 7 Farmyard Bantams
1 From the 3 Faverolles
June of Previous Years:
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