Growth in the Garden in cold July:
1 Lots of planting in the new Fruit/Orchard area including 3 Cherry Trees to be Spanish Bush pruned and 3 new fruit trees and a new Almond. With lots of flowering plants and herbs the area is filling up fast.
2 Dwarf and Climbing Peas in the Fridge Wicking Beds with a simple trellis in between
3 Romanesco Broccoli
4 Verona Purple Savoy Cabbage
Temperatures this month:
Lowest Min -5.2C
Highest Min 8.8C
Lowest Max 7.5C
Highest Max 18.2C
15mm Rainfall
Rain: Year To Date: 222mm (Average YTD: 185.6mm)
Comparison with other years:
July Average is 33.6mm:
2013 65mm
2012 42.5mm
2011 45mm
2010 27.5mm
2009 35mm
2008 36mm
2007 16.5mm
Weather Highlights?
Frosty mornings mean bright sunny days...warmer mornings mean cloudy or windy days. We have had both during this month our middle winter month.
Violet Sicilian Cauliflower ready for harvesting and weighing in at 994g
Harvest Tally:
Doesn't include Greens fed to the chooks on a daily basis or herbs picked for use in the kitchen for cooking or tea making. For Salads, Juice and Stirfries I have been picking Corn Salad, Kale, Lettuce, Lebanese Cress, Spring Onions, Parsley, Sorrel and Sweet Potato Leaves which are not always weighed.
Beetroot 471g
Broccoli 320g
Carrots 1517g
Cauliflower 994g
Celery 471g
Kale 169g
Lettuce 183g
Radish 79g
Snow Peas 35g
Spinach 93g
Sweet Potato 560g
Total Veg Harvest for July 4.9Kgs
Tangelo 1741g
Total Fruit Harvest for July 1.7Kg
Total Eggs for July: 102 eggs.
99 From the 7 Farmyard Bantams (who are all laying now)
3 From the 3 Faverolles (who only lay when it suits them now)
July of Previous Years:
Doc has been very busy clearing more garden to make way for another new project!
We had 3 very special guests who spent a day learning how to be tree huggers (and climbers). The Grandtwins are now 4 and Microman, now 2 and does everything with the twins, is now known as 'the third twin'.
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