Start with Meatless Mondays - move on to Tofu Tuesdays or Fish-free fridays...every little bit of a role you can play will truly make an impact!
I am thrilled to counsel anyone who wants to embark on this journey, so you can always contact me through a direct message to the The Trendy Vegan Facebook page or on Twitter to @vegandthecity. If you are looking for additional support and advice, order your copy of Gene Baur's "Living the Farm Sanctuary Life: The Ultimate Guide to Eating Mindfully, Living Longer, and Feeling Better Every Day." My copy is in the mail and I can't wait to get started!To read the full article regarding the federal panel, click here.
To see a clip of Gene Baur promoting his book on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart (and who doesn't want to watch Jon Stewart?) click here.