Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine

Saturn Enters the Sting of Scorpio, and the Threat Level Raises.

By Solarisastro @solarisastro
Saturn enters the sting of Scorpio, and the threat level raises.

It's always important as an Astrologer to keep an eye on the moments of the planets on the Astrology wheel, but it also pays to realise that the wheel we use is quite crude almost anaesthetic in nature. When you put the planets and place them within the constellations, then things come very much to life, and you get a brand new perspective on their movements. For us all, there is no more important planet than Saturn as it teaches us all lessons, and now it it moving into a very interesting part of the heavens.

Saturn over the past two years has been passing through the tropical constellation of Scorpio, the Scorpion in the skies, and the last part of it's journey through this region coincides with it passing the sting of the Scorpion. As it does it comes into a conjunction with a set of stars of stars that have a rather unfortunate reputation. The two stars we take most notice of in Scorpio this area of the skies are nebulae, large star factories where new stars are being formed, they are named Aculeus sitting at 25.59 degrees Sagittarius and Acumen at 28.58 Sagittarius. At a higher latitude than the constellation of Scorpio much closer to the North Pole is the constellation of Draco and in the eye of the celestial Dragon at 28.12 degrees is Eltanin. This star as I will explain is also one that is difficult to deal with, thus we have a 5 degree region (orb 1 degree either side) that is filled with peril.

Saturn enters the sting of Scorpio, and the threat level raises.

The Scorpion can use it's sting to attack prey although they normally prefer to use brute force to overwhelm it instead plus it acts as a defence mechanism when threatened. The Scorpion has to be careful though. When using the sting, the Scorpion itself then becomes vulnerable to attack if it is used at the wrong time. These stars act very much in same way and are both linked to attacks.

The kind of attacks that Aculeus represents can be verbal, mental, physical or spiritual in nature however they aren't so damaging as to leave a victim incapacitated. These are the kind that hurt initially but over time toughen you up and allow you to build up a resolve to make you stronger in the long run. We all face criticism throughout our lives, and by making mistakes and getting things wrong we hopefully learn to become better people. Now is one of those times where we may make an error in judgement and we may face harsh criticism as a result of it. If we are the ones aiming criticism, be careful when you employ these tactics, otherwise you may be vulnerable to being seen as being stupid, letting yourself down or giving the upper hand to your opponent. Acumen is very similar in nature and is linked to the wearing down process of one's resistance to constant criticism and attacks on one's credibility. Think of someone who snipes at you all the time, is annoying and does not shut up, and eventually you either give in just to get some peace, or you fight back to hold your own. Do you know what I mean by this and do you know people like this?

As I mentioned both Aculeus and Acumen are nebulae and in Astrology, nebulae are connected to blindness and not being able to see very well, so therefore matters connecting to lack of vision or not seeing the consequences of our actions may well get us into trouble. Be careful not to act in a way that leads you in problems because of a lack of foresight or consideration. Saturn in connection with these stars is the voice of authority that tells us to buck up our ideas, to be more respectful and responsible, not to do something again, because it was at the time a bad idea. Expect to get told off, expect to be hurt in the coming days or to hurt someone yourself in the next days and weeks, but also realise that the critic has your best interests at heart and they want you to learn for the future. In the same way, you may want to make a point to someone that their actions are not acceptable.

Eltanin is not widely used these days by modern Astrologers, but the Egyptians took good notice of it as it was the closest star to the North Pole 4000 years ago. This star has in the past been linked to poison and to danger, and to cleaning up something that has become infected, thus there is also a sense of purifying a situation and renewing it once everything bad has been eliminated. In essence, anything that is dirty, infected, rotten to the core, hiding something that we really should find out is liable to be cleaned up by Saturn as it passes by this star.

Now this is the second time in 2017 that Saturn has passed through this region of the sky. The first time was between 5th February and 11th June and this time Saturn will be in this 5 degree hit zone from 5th November through until 19th December 2017. In relation to Saturn's movement this time around, it is pertinent to look and see what happened during that last time period to gauge what may happen in the next 6 -7 weeks.

On Saturn's entrance into the sting of Scorpio, North Korea launched it's first ballistic missile during President Trump's presidency landing in the sea of Japan and initialling a wave of condemnation from across the world. On 18th March there was a pair of terrorist attacks at Orly airport in Paris and on 22nd March in London we had the Westminster knife attack with a car mowing down bystanders on Westminster Bridge. On 6th April there was a chemical weapons attack in Syria where poisonous sarin gas was used. America responded immediately with cruise missiles and then 7 days later she dropped the largest conventional bomb in human history on ISIS targets in Syria. The 20th April saw police officers gunned down by terrorists on the Champ Elysees in central Paris. On May 12th there was a worldwide cyber ransomware attack on computers across the globe, on 22nd May there was the Manchester bombing at the Ariana Grande concert and on 3rd June we had the London bridge terrorist attack.

In effect there was an attack almost every other week, and I am worried that we may see a similar period of instability as Saturn hits this part of the sky again. As for the clearing up of things that have become poisonous, remember that during this period back in May, President Trump fired James Comey, and in the wake of this Robert Mueller was installed as Special Prosecutor to find out the truth of Trump's alleged dealings with Russia. There was a lot of poisonous words that were exchanged then plus many personal attacks and criticisms. It is highly interesting that the first wave of arrests in regard to this have occurred on the cusp of Saturn entering this sting of Scorpio again. I think this time Saturn will lay down the law and draw out a lot of the infection that has been bringing down US politics before it nears the stars of Sagittarius, the next constellation in the sights of the great administrator of the sky.

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