Food & Drink Magazine

Saint Martha and Cucumber Salad

By Veronica46
Saint Martha and Cucumber Salad

Today is the Feast of St. Martha.

She is the patron saint of cooks and homemakers.

The story goes that Martha was busy preparing a meal for Jesus, one of many I might add. Her sister Mary sat at the feet of Jesus and hung on his every word. Martha thought Mary should help her in the kitchen, because there was a lot to do. Jesus explained to Martha that her primary duty was to listen to him and contemplate him.

This light cucumber salad is a southern favorite and is perfect for the Feast of St. Martha.

Since Jesus told Martha not to worry about things and to just listen to his word, today I will keep my meals simple. I will spend less time at the stove and more time in meditation.

Saint Martha and Cucumber Salad

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