I’m turning 35. Gulp!
I never thought this day would come, but it has. On Saturday I will break through that mythical barrier that I think all women deal with. They think about how close they are to 40, they buy hair color by the truckload, and those anti-aging creams magically appear in their bathrooms.
Yep, I can just see it now…
But alas, I am a runner! And runners’ bodies as well as their mental alertness is definitely “younger” than someone who is not a runner. I mean take today for instance; three glorious miles in the WA sunshine and pow! I just knocked years and months off my age. Yay!
So I might wake up tomorrow with a gray hair or two, but never fear, Clairol is here! And I’ll let running take care of the rest. I really do think endorphins make you feel and look younger; wasn’t it even scientifically proven?

I love how I’ve been telling people my new age and they have commented that I “don’t look that old.” It makes me feel good, but I know it’s the truth; running really is the best anti-aging formula out there. It forces you to take better care of yourself so that you can keep running better and better, so you just keep looking better and better.
It really is a win-win.
I know I’ll never look or act my age, for that matter. I’m too goofy for that. Ask any of my friends, they’ll tell you.

So on Saturday you’ll probably see me running down the street with that goofy smile on my face knowing that I’m just adding more and more years to my life.
Happy running!