Life Coach Magazine

Running for Recovery: Marathons of the Body, Mind, Spirit by Arthur W. Coffey, Jr.

By Debi Lantzer @debiL1611

Running for Recovery: Marathons of the Body, Mind, Spirit by Arthur W. Coffey, Jr.Running for Recovery by Arthur W. Coffey, Jr.Ch Ltc Ret Arthur W. Coffey Jr
Published by WestBow Press on 2012-11
Genres: Body, Mind & Spirit, Inspiration & Personal Growth
Pages: 404
Format: eBook

In a physical marathon, the “wall” shows up about mile twenty or twenty-one; when this happens, mind and body shake hands to say “we quit.” That’s where most runners will shut down, unless they reach down into their identity as spirit. To the question “Who am I; what is my identity?” God’s answer is “I am spirit; I have a mind; and I live in a body.” So, to break through the “wall” requires a hierarchy of spirit over mind over body. God’s Word will address our spirit when mind and body are out of it, thereby setting Word over spirit over mind over body to keep the feet moving. Project this to other marathons: mental, spiritual, emotional, interpersonal, occupational, financial, etc.

Bottom line: Can the reader finish the book, put it down, and say: “Wow, look what God’s Word performed; I want to be in the Word; I want the Word to be in me”? The closer the reader comes to God’s Word, the closer they come to Him (John 1:14). The Word will have become “sent out (Isaiah 55:10-11), active and alive (Hebrews 4:12), watched over and performed” (Jeremiah 1:12) in their lives!

When I first saw this book, I thought it was right up my alley considering I am running for recovery myself. When I looked further into the book, I saw that it was more than just a book about running for recovery. This book is about Arthur Coffey, Jr. and his journey following a motorcycle accident. He was hospitalized for three months and was not expected to survive the accident, or even recover with a limited IQ of 39. Due to brain damage that occurred from the accident, Arthur suffered from severe memory loss.

Doctors told Arthur that he’d never run again. Like a marathon runner wanting to give up, Coffey looked deep inside himself, relying on his faith in God and spirit. Though the race was long, Coffey learned to run again. Coffey walks us through his first year of training, when he is not only recovering from a very serious motorcycle accident, but also preparing to run a marathon.

The book is filled with quotes, scripture and the author’s insights and it is a testimony to the ways that the Word of God is living and active, can renew and transform the individual and their minds themselves. Coffey learns to apply the Word directly to the mental disabilities he faces after the accident. Using his own experiences and going further into research and presenting that research, the author shares how the Bible can have an effect on the mind of those suffering Alzheimers or like his own memory/brain damage, and restore the mind.

The book can also be taken as a devotional if a reader takes the time to dig into the many scriptures quoted and expounded upon throughout the chapters of this book. There’s even an addendum in the back that includes a training regimen for getting in spiritual shape.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Arthur Coffey has served as a parish pastor for fifteen years, an Army chaplain for twenty-three years, and a Veterans Affairs Medical Center Chaplain for twelve years. He was mobilized for Operation Desert Shield, Operation Desert Storm, Operation Joint Endeavor, and the Humanitarian Aid tour to Guatemala.Coffey is the recipient of the Witherspoon Award for “most creative use of Scripture,” presented by the National Bible Association and the Armed Forces Chief of Chaplains. He is also the recipient of a Veterans Affairs National Chaplain of the Month award for “outstanding service in the promotion of the Bible in ministry, healing and research.”

Please note that I was provided with a digital copy of this book by BookLookBloggers in exchange for my honest and unbiased opinion.

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