Those of you with bad weather and flight delays, this is heartbreaking. I'm not originally from Florida, but from Washington DC - and ugh, I remember how awful the weather could get: planes being grounded, icy highways. All I can say is: do your best to stay safe. Mickey will be waiting - whenever and however you do arrive.
North Florida has also been bitterly cold, emphasis on bitterly. My trail half marathon last Saturday, I awoke to freezing temperatures. Yes, 31 degrees. I did finish, but I never felt warm enough - my limbs were , and it was the toughest run/walk... mostly crawl of my life. I may do a recap after Marathon weekend, once the trauma has passed.
But now we turn to this weekend. We've loved reading these last few months about everyone's growing excitement. And we hope to meet many of you! Keep a lookout over the weekend for DisneyGroom. At the expo and at the various fan group meetups, he is the tall guy wearing a black baseball cap that says GROOM on it. If you see him, wish him luck on Dopey.
I have an easier job this week: cheering at 5K, running the 10K, volunteering at the Half, spectating the Full --- and just having a great time!
I plan to hit the expo and pick up a buddy for this guy! My 2013 Vinylmation runDisney Mickey is ready to be joined by his new 2014 Mickey pal.
Mickey is sporting mini-medals from 2013 WDW Marathon, Princess, Tower of Terror, and Wine & Dine weekends
These are all the runDisney weekends we attended in 2013
And we have dining reservations, meetups with friends, and even a few off-property activities planned, including a special dinner for my belated birthday (it was January 1).
We've not blogged much lately, but we do post a lot of facebook and twitter updates. Between the holidays, being busy with work, and preparing for this weekend, the time slipped away from us. DisneyGroom has said he will be posting daily updates this weekend, so please be sure to follow and encourage him:, and right here on this blog.
I've been hard at work on costumes and the final piece of my EVE costume came together today, so I can relax at last.

I'm also super busy at work wrapping up some end of year stuff. Unfortunately I have to take a laptop with me this week and do some work remotely while on my Race-cation. So that is a bit sad.. but there is a flip side. This way I make sure we get back to our resorts early and DisneyGroom gets plenty of rest between his Dopey events.
Now, back to prepping! Lots to do. Lots to do.
Run Happily! and I'll see you all tomorrow!~DisneyBride