Culture Magazine

Romantic Arias for Boys and Girls . . .

By Galegirl

romantic arias for boys and girls . . .Alas, my sweetheart is working this evening, so I’m sitting home listening to romantic arias, sipping wine, and slipping into a private little melancholy. (Well, not so private since I’m sharing my melancholia with the whole of cyberspace.)

Anyhoo, in honor of Valentine’s day, I have two lovely arias for you:

First, for the ladies, “Donna non vidi mai” from Manon Lescaut, sung by the Argentine lyric tenor Marcelo Álvarez (whom I just saw in the Met’s Tosca). Ladies, imagine you’ve just stepped out of a carriage, and Marcelo has fallen in love with you on sight and is singing this aria for your ears only.

The last is piece is especially for the gentlemen, courtesy of @amzenon. Okay, for everyone. But gents,  if Maria Callas can’t melt your stony heart with her renditio of “Porgi amor” on the holiday devoted to romance, then you are a Scrooge. Stand by. Three ghosts will be visiting shortly to help you claim your humanity, you heartless guttersnipe. And Happy Valentine’s Day!

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