Superb interview with Bay Area Guy, a former commenter on this blog who went off with another frequent commenter here to form their own site, Occident Invicta. Many of the more conservative commenters here actually followed BAG and Dota over to their new site, which is quite ok by me.
This interview is superb, and I agree with most things that Bay Area Guy says here. I wish BAG would not be so serious, but maybe that’s just the way he is. Radical Centrism sounds like something I could really get behind, and maybe a lot of you commenters could too.
Robert Stark and co-host Alex von Goldstein talk to Bay Area-based blogger Bay Area Guy of Occident Invicta.
Topics include:
How Bay Area Guy is one of the Alt-Right’s few Bernie Sanders supporters.
How Bernie Sanders was the only candidate to not attend AIPAC, and Bay Area Guy’s view that the Alt-Right gave Trump a free pass for pandering to AIPAC and the Neocons.
How the most crucial aspect of Trump’s campaign is his role in expanding the Overton window and undermining the establishment.
How Trump supporters are primarily anti-establishment rather than conservative ideologues.
How Donald Trump is running to the left of Hillary Clinton and whether he will appeal to disaffected Sanders supporters.
Red State article about Trump Democrats “ruining” the GOP, who are described as racist Democrats who want handouts for White people.
The decline of Conservative Inc.
How the political coalitions on the left are also breaking down.
How Bernie Sanders undermines the Neoliberal/Social Justice Warrior Alliance.
Thomas Frank’s (What’s the Matter with Kansas?) new book Listen, Liberal: Or, What Ever Happened to the Party of the People
Social Justice, Social Darwinism, and the Curious Case of SF’s Housing Squeeze
Steve Sailer’s article San Fran Whitening Plan.
The civil war among the Bay Area’s Left on the housing issue, including wealthy NIMBY‘s, anti-capitalist anti-gentrification activists, and pro-density groups such as BARF.
Michael Hudson’s book Killing the Host about the FIRE economy based on the Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate sectors.
London’s new Muslim mayor Sadiq Khan, and how Bay Area Guy views him as another Identitarian neoliberal like Obama.
The California Senate Race and how the Democratic front runner Kamala Harris also fits that mold.
Why Bay Area Guy views the Democratic runner-up Loretta Sanchez as preferable to Harris.
Senate Candidate Ron Unz’ Radical Centrist Platform, which combines the best aspects of the Left, Right, and Libertarianism, and how Radical Centrism is an emerging trend in politics.