I'm a little late with the weekend recap, but oh well. I'm rolling with it! I'm partly running behind because this weekend was so fabulous, I needed a little recovery time (and no, not due to wine). :)
On Friday evening, our friends Alison and Danny came in for a visit. They live in San Antonio so we don't get to see them as much as we'd like. They got in right as I finished putting Belle to sleep, and then we got right to catching up (aka discussing all things fitness and sports).
On Saturday morning, Alison, Danny and I went to try out a rowing studio in town called Ro. E had baby duty, and let's be honest, waking up early on a Saturday to workout is not is idea of fun. Try out a new class at midnight? He's all about it! I've used the rowing machines plenty of times, but had never taken a full rowing class. I was pretty pumped for the experience!

We arrived at Ro Fitness about 15 minutes early and the nice instructor helped us get all set up and familiar with our machines. This studio had Concept 2 rowers which I had been on numerous times.

The actual room itself was on top of the boat house overlooking Lady Bird Lake. It was such a pretty view and very appropriate for a rowing class!

The classroom, was clean, bright, cheery, and had plenty of room for the 10 rowers it housed. The instructor took us through a technical warm up to help us nail down our form and then we started the workout. We did 10 rounds of various 2 minute intervals. I wasn't quite as gassed afterwards as I thought I would be for spending a whole class on the rower, but I was definitely sore the next day. I was actually excited when I woke up the next day with sore hamstrings and glutes, because they say you are suppose to row more with your legs than arms. At least I know I was doing it right!

Overall, it was a really fun class with rocking music and a great atmosphere. I would definitely do it again!
Later on that day, we headed up to campus for the UT vs. Kansas State basketball game with a few friends. As usual, Belle had a great time at the game taking in all of the crowd. She actually does better when we are out and about then when we are at home. She gets bored easily at home, so she loved all the commotion at the game! She looked pretty darn cute too!

Just in case the ref started making bad calls, Annabelle was dressed and ready to go into the game at a moments notice. Luckily, they called a fair game so she was able to stay with us.

Sunday morning, I went to the grocery store bright and early before Annabelle woke up and then got right to baby food prep. I purchased a Baby Brezza whenever Annabelle started eating solid food and it was the best investment ever. It steams and purees the food for you in one container. I made over 30 jars of organic baby food in no time and all for less than about $12! Not too shabby!

After hanging out with little bit for awhile, I went up to the studio to train some of our new instructors in barre. They did an amazing job, and I can't wait to see them teaching. We spent the rest of the afternoon hanging out at home, doing laundry, and practicing our Pilates moves for MarchMatness. Belle is really good at spine stretch forward!

That about sums up our weekend. I hope you are having a great week so far! I'm linking up with Sara from Lake Shore Runner for Tried it Tuesday!

What was your favorite memory from the weekend?
Fellow moms, any favorite baby food recipes I should try?
In health,