Debate Magazine

Right Thinking, Left Living

Posted on the 01 March 2014 by Technocowgirl @TechnoCowgirl

We all know I’m not known for “sugar-coating” –so, let’s get to the brass-tax of things. A few days ago, a gentleman commented on an “In Stephanie’s Opinion” Facebook post. His comment enraged me to say the least. “You can’t live like the Left, and think like the Right”, he commented. After thinking about his position and accusation, it occurred to me he was right. I have lived Left, and, for the most part, I do think Right.

The rage came from the egotistical gull of him telling me what to think. One issue I hold within the Political genre is, if you don’t think as one Party, you’re a lowly turd. Not to mention, you’re dead wrong in your thinking and living –a must change. I felt if he didn’t like the Facebook Page, he should find his entertainment elsewhere! Furthermore, I have the Right to the 1st Amendment; yet, because I disagree with his position (or disposition), I’m dishonorable. If you cannot reinforce your theory with facts, shut your freaking mouth! Below are MY facts:

I think Right because, I was born into a life of the Left –no choice. That was the soul choice of my parents. We were homeless, molested, subject to drug-dealing, on Welfare, went to churches for food, slept in rest areas, worked as migrant workers -these being the fairytale stories. We were not taught right and wrong –wrong was right. It was not until later in life I realized, many of us are backwards. I had to get Right. I felt “entitled” to a better life.

The reason for telling you the horror of my life is, to explain why, “I live Left, and think Right”:

 I have lived within every Entitlement Program which our Government provides –from the 70s to present. News flash Tax-Payers: You’re getting screwed! Ripped off by shysters. These programs work to benefit no one! They were started in “good-faith” –yet crumbled due to lack of ethics.

 A doctor and I had a passing conversation in his office. Peeved at something political I said, he snarled, “The programs work pretty well for you.” I said. “Yes, well, how’s it working out for you? You support me, you pay for half this visit, get half the pay for the visit –plus, you have to listen to me bitch; I’d be pretty pissed if I were you!” He gazed as if I were crazy. And, maybe I am. Cause I’m on the “good-end” of the “deal”, and it doesn’t sound right to me! A program does not work well if, all parties involved are not satisfied. Both getting and giving.

 Let me tell you about the “good-end” of the “deal”:

There isn’t one! Before “reform”, I was over-medicated, under-medicated, wrongly medicated, and should look like a Glow-Worm due to excess radiation from Cat-Scans, X-Rays, Mammograms, Pet-Scans, Psyche Evaluations, numerous surgeries –all paid for by those who aren’t born yet. That shit is shameful! And, if you don’t know that –you’re a misguided fool! I’m not saying all were in vain –only, many were unnecessary.

 Let’s talk about the Food Stamp Program and Medicaid/Medicare:

Sure people get fed –some who would otherwise go hungry. However, the program is flawed –the way of thinking is flawed. And, it’s costing Tax-Payers big time. I stand behind mothers in the grocery, waiting my turn. I see Twinkies, Coco Puffs, processed foods and meats, soda, chips, candy –all the foods which cause illness, such as heart disease and Diabetes. Why is this happening? Simple. It cost more for healthier foods. These recipients either eat unhealthy all month, or, healthy for two weeks and starve for two.

Additionally, allowing Food Stamps to be spent on these types of foods add to the high costs of Medicaid/Medicare –which Tax-Payers endure. Similarly, studies have proven unhealthy eating leads to lower IQs. Brains need certain foods to function properly. Have you seen how many “Welfare children” have, mental disorders, attention disorders, personality disorders, social/criminal issues? Well, by God, I have! The numbers and results are staggering!

In 1993, I was diagnosed with Borderline IQ of 72. Was boldly inform, I would never learn enough to tote trash for Mc Donald’s. As you all can read, this is balderdash! They said I was challenged. I say, I wasn’t challenged enough! These educated “judges” said, “We stop learning after 22.” Instead of educating me, they put me on the dole. Instead of providing therapy, they gave me drugs. It took more than 20-years to finally educate myself –opening thine eyes to the crookedness commandeering entitlement programs. I dare them to stand by their judgment now!

This egregious, ridiculous way of “helping” people is counterproductive to everyone. Decades have come and gone –nothing has been learned; programs, recipients, and society continue to worsen. And, for those who think the “Affordable Care Act” is going to save it all –you’re a special kind of stupid! What’s going to save it all is, all of us –Tax-Payer/Tax-Taker- to respect the other, and work together. Yes, you lazy bastards have to do your part! Nothing is free; someone foots the bill! No person is “entitled” to anything not earned. All other amenities are a gift/blessing from Tax Payers (HUD, Food Stamps, WIC, etc.). It should be respected and treated accordingly.

On the subject of Medicare:

Medicare IS NOT an Entitlement! It was paid for through years of working, “taken” out of paychecks. It has always been assumed we were paying for our health security –investing in our future. Our Government stole said futures –leaving Tax-Payers an IOU. Why do we continue to let those who’ve stole from us steal? Simply put, we’ve let Elected Officials brainwash us into believing their actions are just –righteous. Working toward “the greater good”. When fact is, they’re only interest is of narcissistic nature. The egregious behavior of Government Officials is unacceptable at best! We must not trust the Tyrants whose focus is self-centered.

SSI and SSD:

Don’t think for one minute disability is a comfortable existence! Anyone who says otherwise is a liar. I would like to see Congress live on $721 per month. Certainly folks are lucky to get that; however, it’s no living. So, why are there so many Americans on SSI/SSD? Simply because, states are rewarded with Government funding according to how many recipients are enrolled in entitlement programs. Therefore, they do not make it easy to get off of the dole. A person on SSI which tries to work is, penalized $1 for every $2 earned. Then Food Stamps takes a $1 for every $2. Next HUD takes $1 for every $2. You couple this with up to 37% taken from paychecks for Taxes (and, these programs penalize on moneys before taxes). How can a motivated person exit the entitlement system under these conditions?

What should happen if a person wishes to remove themselves from the system is: A recipient can work for one year without being penalized if; 50% of each check is put into a savings account for said year; attend economic classes; attend a nutritional program, and parenting classes. Additionally, mandatory drug tests must be submitted once per month –randomly. If the recipient fails a drug screen, they must attend rehab. In a year, using this theory, a person can save enough to get out of Tax-Payers pockets! And, learn to stay out. Mind you, these are mere suggestions and could be modified to accommodate all social programs. I know one thing, if something is not done, the number of Americans on entitlements will out-number Tax-Payers. This will be the moment in time the system will implode. And, said time is near.

Right thinking is, the only way to exit living Left. Take responsibility for what I can change –use my voice to empower others to do the same. Personal Responsibility is the true minority worldwide! It’s time, times change. Without enacting personal responsibility, nothing will change! And, to the man who snidely commented on my Right thinking, Left living: Above is just a tidbit of my proof of validity.  Despite your’ smite, I will continue on the journey of Freedom and Independence –free from a society who wish to enable and belittle. I refuse to remain part of a society which is filled with enabled victims, instead of productive survivors.









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