Politics Magazine

Revolution, Either By Guerrilla Or Street Criminal, Is an Inevitable Fact of History

Posted on the 19 April 2016 by Calvinthedog

S. D. writes: My guess is that Spanish people in Mexico are not robbed by Cholos.

Actually the rich in Mexico, like the rich in many Latin American countries, practically live under siege. They live behind huge walls topped with barbed wire with dogs and sometimes even armed guards. Some of them have armed guards with them when they travel by car. The rich in Brazil are so besieged and paranoid that they will not even leave their enclaves in cars because they are too afraid of having to drive through the slums, so they fly out of their rich havens in helicopters!

Every night in Latin America, whole armies of poor criminals creep up from the valleys into the neighborhoods of the rich on the hills or crawl down from the hills into the neighborhoods of the rich below to prey on the rich, mostly by thievery. The wonderful success story of rightwing economics (which is no such thing) called Chile is an excellent example of this phenomenon.

Revolution and wealth redistribution will happen one way or another. If you defeat the armed revolutionaries, the poor will simply take off their battle fatigues, become criminals and redistribute the wealth in that fashion. This is because the laws of history as Marx laid them out are in fact scientific and steadfast.

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