Hair & Beauty Magazine

Revlon Color Burst Lip Gloss and Verstaile Blogger Award

By Julianne @julianneinjune
Revlon Color Burst Lip Gloss and Verstaile Blogger Award
So today I thought I'd do a post on my favorite line of drugstore lipglosses: Revlon's Color Burst Lip Gloss.  I love this line for a few reasons; first of all they are really opaque for glosses which is something I really love in a gloss.  I tend to wear either just lipgloss or just lipstick, so I usually like my glosses pretty pigmented.  Also their staying power is incredible and they don't have a sticky feeling to them--instead they feel really creamy but they do feel a little thick on the lips.  But that aside these are, in my opinion, the best line of drugstore lip glosses with Rimmel's Moisture Renew line coming in at a close second.
Now on to my three colors:
Revlon Color Burst Lip Gloss and Verstaile Blogger Award 
Bellini:  Bellini is a new shade to the line and the sheerest out of my three.  It's a peachy-nude color that still lets a some of the natural color of the lips through so it's a really wearable nude.  I find I can wear this in the day time or at night with a smokey eye.
Hot Pink:  This is my most recent purchase and I was a little hesistant to buy it.  I thought the color was gorgeous but wasn't sure how often I would wear it but when I got home and tried it on I was really suprised at how wearable it was.  It's a lot less intimadating than it looks!  It's a really fun fushcia color that isn't too bright.
Strawberry:  I've already featured this one in my post about how to perk up your face in the winter.  It's a gorgeous red shade that leans more to the pink side so it's very easy to wear, especially if you're a little intimidated by reds.  It's a great way to wear a no-fuss red lip and I find that it really brightens up my whole face when I wear it.
Also I am taking part in my very first blog hop!  It's a great way to find new blogs and have others find yours!  Be sure to join in!:)
Revlon Color Burst Lip Gloss and Verstaile Blogger Award
I have been nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award!  I think this is a great thing going around the blogging community because it's such a great way to find new blogs!:)  This is my second time doing this post and I'm really flattered to have been tagged in this again by three lovely bloggers! 
 So thank you very much to A Little Beauty Luxury, She-Shops-Alot, and Star Vogue!:)
Here are the rules: Once you have been nominated, you have to nominate 15 other blogs (and let them know they are nominated!), share 7 random facts about yourself, thank the blogger who nominated you, and add the Versatile Blogger Award image to your blog post. 
Seven Random Facts:
1. I'm a junior at the University of Alabama, Roll Tide!<3 2. I'm half Italian and I'm also Irish, Dutch, and German. 3. I was in the sorority AOII. 4. I'm majoring in public relations, and hope to do PR work for cosmetic companies. 5. Lipstick is my favorite kind of makeup to buy. 6. I'm not really sure what my natural hair color is anymore.  It's been dyed blonde for years now! 7. I was born in New Jersey but moved to Alabama when I was about 8.  I absolutely loved growing up in the south!
And I nominate all of you!:) 

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