Books Magazine

Review–Second Glance by Jodi Picoult

By Megan Love Literature Art & Reason @meganm922

Second Glance

by Jodi Picoult
Summary: Do we love across time? Or in spite of it?A developer has slated an ancient Abenaki Indian burial ground for a strip mall, and now strange happenings have the inhabitants of tiny Comtosook, Vermont, talking of supernatural forces at work. Ross Wakeman is a ghost hunter who's never seen a ghost -- all he's searching for is something to end the pain of losing his fiancée, Aimee, in a car accident. He tried suicide -- any number of times. Now Ross lives only for a way to connect with Aimee from beyond. Searching the site for signs of the paranormal, Ross meets the mysterious Lia, who sparks him to life for the first time in years. But the discoveries that await Ross are beyond anything he could dream of in this world -- or the next.
Source: I purchased a paperback
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I kind of have a weird relationship with Jodi Picoult books. Typically, I love the book until like 95% through and then the end fizzles out for some reason and I close the book feeling vaguely disappointed by the story that I was earlier absolutely loving. I thought it was just me and how I would always feel about Jodi Picoult books, but then I read Second Glance, a book that came highly recommended by one of my friends (and I definitely respect her opinions).
I’m happy to announce that I have now finally read and thoroughly loved a Jodi Picoult book!
Second Glance was so many different stories wrapped up into one that came together so perfectly at the end. A depressed ghost hunter quit his job working for what he considered frauds who were in it for the money. His sister was a lonely librarian dealing with her son’s strange disorder. An old man sold his land to a developer. The developer encountered rumors about an Indian burial ground. Ross ended up being hired to investigate the claims. And a story that had been waiting decades to be revealed ended up affecting the lives of many residents of the town.
I loved how all of the characters were interconnected in some way, whether they were fated to meet due to circumstance or they were involved in the past events that led up to the strange happenings on the supposed burial ground. Second Glance was a bit of a ghost story, a bit historical fiction, and a bit contemporary novel all rolled into one and was very well done.
I absolutely loved the parts of the story that dipped into the past and deal with the Vermont history of eugenics and the people involved, as well as the horrid things that were done in the name of bettering society. I love that the author chose to intertwine such an interesting piece of history with a ghost story in a way that served to make me thing and care about all of the characters involved.
I picked the book up at the end of September hoping to finish it before starting my Creeptober ReadAThon I’m hosting with Booknerderie, but it ended up fitting perfectly in with the theme because of the ghostly elements and also the shocking truth behind the Vermont eugenics program. It was a horror in many ways, while also delivering a stellar story with compelling characters. I knew I’d finally find a Jodi Picoult book that I could say I enjoyed 100% and Second Glance was it for me!
I definitely recommend Second Glance, even if Jodi Picoult novels aren’t necessarily up your alley. It was quite the interesting book with a very good ending.
Feel free to join me and Booknerderie during our Creeptober ReadAThon by sharing your creepy reads. Use our hashtag #30nightsofcreep on Instagram or share your posts on your blog or twitter!

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