Hair & Beauty Magazine

Review - The YOSO Pro.

By Brightowngirl @Brightowngirl
Review - The YOSO Pro.
Review - The YOSO Pro.
Review - The YOSO Pro.Who doesn't love a gadget, especially one that can help towards improving your skin. I certainly couldn't say no when I was offered the chance to try out the New YOSO Pro* which has just recently launched.
This is a 3 step cleansing system that makes your skin cleaner than it has ever been. It isn't like the usual cleansing gadgets out there that come with a brush head the YOSO Pro uses Ion technology to help clean the skin. It has a titanium head which very gently vibrates (so is suitable for all skin types) which you place onto the skin to cleanse. It has 3 different intensity settings so sensitive skin types can have it on low and those wanting something more intense can increase the levels.
As well as being a cleansing system you can use the YOSO Pro to moisturise the skin, this will help your moisturiser work more effectively and really absorb into the skin.
For those of you who are not aware of what Ion Technology is, (I sure didn't have a clue before trying this) its a technology that works together with your body's natural ions to either extract dirt from the skin or to help your moisturiser sink deeper into the skin. You hold the titanium head to your face and either the positive or negative ions help draw impurities out or help your moisturiser sink into the skin.
This technology has been used in salons for years and the YOSO Pro now makes it possible to try in your own home.
I have been using the YOSO Pro for about a month now and to be honest I am very much on the fence about it. It takes some getting used to, it isn't like anything I have tried before. I would watch the how too video that they have on the Beauty Crowd Website here to learn how to use it.
I find the best time for me to use this is in the morning, I use a cream cleanser with it and then following with my toner. You literally place it onto the skin and move it around the skin while it does gentle vibrating pulses.
After use my face feels clean and doesn't  look irritated like it can sometimes when I use a flannel. Though there is something about cleansing with a flannel that makes me feel cleaner.
You can use this for 5 minutes on the skin and due to the technique it does a take quite a few minutes to clean your entire face. I think thats what has me on the fence about this, I am a wash and go type girl. I like my skincare to be quick and easy but effective and even though I think the YOSO pro is effective it is quite time consuming.
I do think my skin has improved since using this, I have fewer blemishes and my skin hasn't been so red. I prefer to use the cleansing setting rather than use it for moisturiser but both work well.
There is also a third setting which gives a boost to the skin by switching between the positive and negative electrodes to give your skin an extra glow. I like to use this when I am giving my skin a pamper and I do think it makes my skin look brighter.
This is something I will be keeping in my routine as I do think it is doing some good to my skin, but it isn't something I can commit to using everyday.
I think if you are a skincare expert or love to take your time with your cleansing routine you will love this. It is definitely an investment piece but worth it if you are dedicated to using it.
You can pick this up from the Beauty Crowd Website for £149.99 where there is currently an offer to get a free YOSO Lash or YOSO Trim when you buy the system.
Do let me know what you think of this, is it something you could see yourself using or have you already used something similar?
*PR Sample 

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