Hair & Beauty Magazine

Review : SkinFood Royal Honey Mask

By Lipglossaffairs @justsangy
One of the samples i got when shopped recently at W2Beauty, this tiny sachet would *amaze* me i was not expecting in the least. I have loved SkinFood products earlier too but no product can woo in one sachet anyday. Its actually hard to decide if you like it or not, if you want full size or not; maybe except few. And this one is one of those few for sure.So what i liked so much about it? 
Honey is known to be great for skin for its variety of nutrients and also for its hydrating, soothing and calming properties. It holds the moisture in the skin for longer time and that makes a honey mask perfect if you want all that goodness of the hydration and more. This mask in particular has jelly like particles which can be sloughed away to reveal softer and dewy skin and no chemicals involved. Those particles act like a gentle scrub while the honey nourishes and softens the skin. 
Review : SkinFood Royal Honey Mask
Pros :: 
  • Transparent Gel like consistency(not runny) and easy to apply
  • Pleasant fragrance
  • Wash-off mask
  • Leaves skin smooth and hydrated
  • Acts as a mildest scrub and also soothes the irriated skin, so it suits all skin types even the acne prone and sensitive skins
Cons :: 
  • None...  ??
Price :: $16.59
Buy here :: out the other products in this range ::
Words for : Irritated, sensitive, acne prone and rough mature skin
Though i have highly acne prone and sensitive skin, this pack worked great for me. My skin was soft and super dewy the next morning. And yes i used a night cream as usual after the mask. Am totally happy i had chance to try this sample, this might work wonders for my often irritaed skin.And yes i do have plans to get full size of this product soon!! This definitely has amazed me and definitely one of my favorites at the moment.
What do you think of this one? What's your favorite mask lately?
P.s :: Masks often don't need more than a single use to see the result
Much Love
Review : SkinFood Royal Honey Mask

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