Now for a girl who stays safe and sticks with neutrals this is a pretty big move for me. I bought it on a whim as I already own 35-On And On Bronze and 40-Permanent Taupe and decided I needed to inject some color. I'd seen a few reviews on this color and thought I'd give it a go.It's a burgundy red shade with gold glitter, definitely something I would normally avoid. I apply some of Benefits Stay Don't Stray and then pack on the color tattoo, but so it's not so prominent I blend it out up into my crease. It has quickly become my daily eye color and surprisingly I love it. It makes such a change to my usual bronze/neutral eye and in my sleep deprived state it is definitely a winner. They are available from Boots for £4.99.Have you tried this shade or any others?Instagram / Twitter / Bloglovin'