Title: Maman’s Homesick Pie: A Persian Heart in an American Kitchen
Author: Donna Bijan
Places visited:
- Tehran, Iran
- Majorca, Spain
- Fresno, California, USA
Why do we chronicle our lives? Is it because we have accomplished so much that we want people to know just how good our lives have been? Or is it because we are vain and we just can’t resist a little bit of boasting? Or is it because deep down we know that we have a good story to tell that other people would learn some from?
Probably a little bit of everything of those. And that’s what
This review is part of the Foodies Read 2017 Challenge.
Book image owned by the author and publisher.
Original image of the world map from www.drodd.com.
All other images in this post are copyrighted by The Traveling Reader, 2017.