Hair & Beauty Magazine

Review and Swatches : (Oriflame) Giordani Gold Ruby Lipstick in Gold Dust

By Shoppingaholic @shoppingaholicc
Giordani Gold Ruby Lipstick (Rs. 498) Giordani Gold Ruby Lipstick (Rs. 498)

  Giordani Gold Ruby Lipstick - is a nude lipstick with lots of fine gold particles. Smooth application and a shade that would enhance lips on any skin tone instantly made it one lipstick that I would reach for if I am doing bling (I am married and I have to do it time to time during functions). Since, I do not apply lipstick a lot, wearing a bright and popping lipstick makes me a little uneasy, but this doesn't.
Claim to Fame - Added SPF in this lipstick has made it one of my favorites. I want more lip products with SPF. 
Packaging - Since I picked the sample of this Gold Ruby lipstick, I can not comment on packaging. 
Staying Power - I let it sit on my lips for a couple of hours and I found it fading but a little shimmer was still on my lips. Isn't it a screaming fact that most of the golden, shimmery, glittery products lose their base but their shine through gold particles stay on? It's the same with Gold Ruby lipstick.
Avalilability - It's available through only Oriflame consultants.(You can send me an email to buy one.)


Giordani Gold Ruby Lipstick (Rs. 498) Giordani Gold Ruby Lipstick (Rs. 498)
Swatches of Giordani Gold Ruby Lipstick Giordani Gold Ruby Lipstick (Rs. 498)
Swatches of Giordani Gold Ruby Lipstick Giordani Gold Ruby Lipstick (Rs. 498) 
Swatches of Giordani Gold Ruby Lipstick 
Giordani Gold Ruby Lipstick (Rs. 498)
Swatches of Giordani Gold Ruby Lipstick 
Giordani Gold Ruby Lipstick (Rs. 498)

In This Post ---

Product - Giordani Gold Ruby Lipstick
Brand - Oriflame
Price -  Rs.498
Claims - A luxurious lipstick infused with real Ruby powder for perfect radiance in a range of classic colors. Moisturizing qualities and SPF also mean your lips will be smooth and protected as well as luscious.
You will love it because -
1. It has SPF in it.
2. It is NOT too bright or eye catching. It has subtle shimmer to it.
3. Perfectly suits all skin tones and very appropriate for Indian skin tones.
4. It is moisturizing. It doesn't achieve the moisturization a lip balm provides but it does it work decently. 
You will leave it because -
1. There might be other options with gold hint available, so not necessary that you have to invest in it.
2. Talking about investing money, I think Rs.498 for this lipstick is a lot. But you can also take SPF in consideration.
3. It fades in couple of hours.
Where can I buy?
Through Oriflame consultants 
Rating - You-Can-Live-Without-One
Your thoughts? 
To Buy or Not To Buy
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Jiya (Shoppingaholic)

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By Priya Saxena
posted on 21 July at 07:00
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Loved the shade! Its perfect for daily wear. I was actually searching for any such shade which goes perfectly with my skin tone, have SPF & can be used daily for office wear. And it met all my requirements..:)