Creativity Magazine

Return from Wildacres

By Vickilane
Return from Wildacres
Back from the Magic Mountain to my own home mountain -- which has plenty of its own magic.
Return from Wildacres
It was a terrific week with a great class and lots of inspiring writers, musicians, actors, performers . . . folks at Wildacres writing workshops work hard but they play harder. . . It can be kinda exhausting for someone used to a quiet life.
Return from Wildacres
In the middle of the week, Claui brought Josie up for a visit. Tucked between my dormitory building and the studio where my classes were held was what Josie declared "a perfect little play ground!" She played and then Claui and Josie and I went down the road for lunch at the Little Switzerland cafe.

I regret not getting a picture as Josie was so grown up -- eating her grilled cheese sandwich and being very much one of the "ladies who lunch."   Return from Wildacres I was also surprised to learn that, unbeknownst to me, Josie has a number of admirers in the Wildacres crew who know her from this blog. 

Return from Wildacres
I'll be talking in the coming days about some terrific books by Wildacres folks that I read this past week. I always feel so fortunate to be among such talented folks -- sometimes I feel like a bit of an impostor amidst these college professors and MFAs. 
Return from Wildacres
But the lovely thing about the Wildacres Writing Workshop is the absolute equality among writers -- from the rankest beginner to the long time professional. We're all there to share what we know and to learn from one another.  And somehow, it works.
Return from Wildacres

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