Environment Magazine

Resistance Ecology Releases First Publication Digitally

Posted on the 21 July 2013 by Earth First! Newswire @efjournal

by μ / Earth First! Journal

The Portland-based group Resistance Ecology has just released a preliminary copy of its first publication, available here (click the link, and in the new tab click the “download” button in the top right corner). Meant as a movement-building tool, it provides important and sometimes critical viewpoints of the animal liberation movement, and draws connections between it and the broader-based liberatory and anti-capitalist movement.

This issue includes diverse viewpoints, with an interview with the German animal liberation group Assoziation
Dämmerung, an animal liberationist perspective on the Conservative Administration, a critique of consumption-focused veganism, and more.

This is meant to be a preliminary copy, and Resistance Ecology intends for future publications to expand and include, “original articles, campaign updates, action reports, news and analysis from you, the reader.”

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