Return of an eternal favorite, as I need a dose of vanity these days, not that there’s anything to be vain about anymore, but one can always reminisce, eh? I added in a lot of reminiscences about my days as a pussyhound long ago in another world.

This is the photo you are all familiar with. Taken in the 2000’s.
Let’s look at some other photos from the 2000’s.

In this one I look like I’m stoned.
Another one from the 2000’s.

I think I look kind of conceited in this pic, but I don’t care. I am vain, so what, what of it?
Some emotions.

Smile for the camera.
Hamming it up.

Big kiss for all my friends, but especially for my enemies.
More hamming.

Neener neener.
Recent photos.

Trying to be nice.
I do not know if I was goodlooking during this era, but women sometimes said I was handsome. Actually I hear that about these pics to this very day, even from women in their 30’s. When I used this pic on dating sites, a lot of women came to me and messaged me with variations of, “Hi handsome!” Unfortunately, I cannot use it anymore as it’s not that recent, and I really got scolded for using an out of date pic on a site recently. I had a date with a women who thought I looked like some pic taken ~15 years ago lol. She came over to my house but was freaked out that I did not look like the pic.
The date was going to be pretty good – she showed up with an overnight bag and promptly announced that she would like to spend the night if I didn’t mind. Of course I said ok. I even offered her a choice of sleeping locations, but I always do that anyway. So I replaced by older pic with a newer pic and way fewer women come to me, and no one ever says, “Hi handsome!” I am afraid I am being attacked by an artillery weapon called Time. I have definitely hit the Wall in the worst possible way. But after all, the Buddhists say, “When you bet on the body, you bet on a losing horse.” Actually some women my age (47-58) still think I am hot, I guess compared to the competition,which at my age ain’t much if not zero. I even had an 18 year old girl going on about how cute I was a few years ago, so I guess all hope is not lost yet.
From the same session.

Hi everyone.
Ok, I Walled Out some time ago, and now I am an Omega for all intents and purposes. Don’t know what to say except a shoutout to all you Omegas out there – I get it! This Omega stuff sucks! If I had been this way my whole life I think I would have bought it by my own hand by now. I don’t see how Omegas keep from suiciding. How do they do it?
One from the old days.

College graduation, California, 1982, age 23. Looks something like the oldest son on the Brady Bunch, eh?
Once again, not sure if I looked good back then. I have no opinion on my looks because my view is not important. I figure out whether I am goodlooking enough by other’s people’e opinions on the matter. If lots of others think I am hot, well maybe I am. If no one thinks I am hot anymore, I guess I Walled out. Welcome to the Omega Life. I’m just used to being butt-ugly or unattractive, so I don’t handle it well. Are there some classes I could take or books I could read to learn how to accept myself if I’m butt-ugly?
Well, anyway during this period, age 23, people were falling all over themselves tell me how handsome I was back then and a year after this photo was taken, I got three offers to be a male model in one year. I turned them down because I was crazy homophobic back then and I was terrified of “the fags” as I referred to them. Never got any offers before or after, but I guess my looks peaked out at age 24. Interestingly I was also quite thin that year – 5’11, 150. Do they want models to be thin?
These looks killed with women. I used to pick up women just walking own the sidewalk, or driving down the street. I would be walking down the street and some woman would be rubbernecking me the whole way on the other side of the street, so I would go over, get a number of if lucky, get her to hers or mine right there in the middle of the day! Some women would just stop their car in the the middle of the road if there was no traffic with this frozen zombie stare on their faces and I would stop, get out, walk over to her car and and get a phone number or get her to my place or hers right then and there.
I went to a friend’s wedding party and the bride of my best friend kept throwing herself at me, saying, “Bobbbbbbb,” and hugging me and shoving me against the wall. I didn’t go for it because I don’t want to fuck my best friend’s wife at his wedding party, come on.
I was doing student teaching around this time, and my female Master Teacher, who otherwise hated me and was said to be a lesbian, once whipped out a $20 bill and waved it around. “Is $20 dollars enough. $20 to fuck me, how bout that?” I guess she was not totally lesbian! I turned her down as she was ugly and a dyke and plus I was worried it would ruin my Master Teaching with her. Only time any woman ever offered to pay me to fuck her!
Later my other Master Teacher out and out propositioned me on the night the Master Teaching was over.
I went to a bar once with an older woman I was dating and three of her older friends. I danced with one of her friends and in the middle of the dance, she stopped dancing, froze in place like she was turned into stone, and blurted out, “I am going to Europe all summer. You want a place to stay this summer? You can stay at my place, rent-free, all summer, I’m serious!” I thought “What the Hell?” I mean I literally only met this woman two or three hours before. I think she was trying to steal me from my girlfriend. Women and girls do this all the time. They are always stealing their sisters’ and best friends’ boyfriends. Most people don’t know this. Women compete like mad for men, and man-stealing is extremely common with women and even girls. Most people have no idea how viciously competitive females can be.
I dated older women during this time (age 28-37) and they would always pay my way everywhere, so I got to feel like a gigolo. It was fun.
Crazy times!
One more from the real old days.

LOL it’s Tony Orlando! From the hippie era, 1978, age 20, junior college graduation, California. Most people nowadays think that hair looks hilarious, but back then, this look was tres cool. My Dad totally hated that hair, and he used to threaten to punch me out unless I cut it. He also kept saying that I looked like some actress called Veronica Lake. To him, born in 1921, long hair meant you were queer, but to us, long hair was a way to get the chicks. I kept telling my father that, but he always acted like that was insane!
Maybe I was goodlooking here too because women were always raving about me. About the hair, well, this is how you did it back then. If you wanted to get laid, you grew your hair like this. Women went ape-shit over long hair back then and shunned short-haired men as “geeks.” Women are girls were always running their hands through my hair at this time. “Ohhhhhhh I love your curly hair…..” with a hypnotized stare on their face. This look was great for women and even girls as I was still screwing girls down to age 14 at this time (age 20). Hey they were throwing themselves at me, asking me out, walking right up to me and propositioning me. What was I supposed to do? Just say no?
I would be at parties and all of a sudden, completely shocked, I would catch a mother and her daughter both staring at me for locked stares. The mother would be saying, “Damn I want to fuck him so bad, he’s so hot.” And her 14 year old daughter would be saying, “Hell yeah, me too!” I would think, “Whoa! Did I just hear that?” and they would go on like this for an hour or more. and then the mother would encourage the daughter to seduce me. “Go get him! Grab him! Go for it! Do it! Don’t be shy! Remember to fuck him once for me!”
I mean, a mother cajoling her own daughter into seducing me, what the Hell, man? I never did a mother-daughter team at once. That must be like a dream. How many men get to do that? I know Casanova did a couple of times and David Lee Roth was notorious for taking on mother-daughter groupie teams.
I went to a Playboy Playmate signing once at the mall. The Playmate was very young and she would not stop staring at me with this blank robot stare. My friends were ribbing me, “Go for it dude! A Playboy Playmate is hot for you! I’m jealous.” I shyed out, but I could have gotten her number for sure.
I quit the next year due to fear of jail. These were the days! I would do stuff like pick up two girls at once, walk by a woman in some guys lap and just reach my hand out and pull her hypnotized out of his lap and around my arm, sisters competed with each other to fix me up with their friends. Damn this was the life, man. I would kill to live this life again.
Ms. Lake for comparison purposes, 1940’s.

The famous Veronica Lake, known for her curly hair. The “Veronica Lake” hairstyle came back a few years ago, in 2007.
Th-th-th-th-th that’s all folks.