Fitness Magazine

Renew Your Life Purpose After Illness Or Injury

By Pamela Brown
Renew Your Life Purpose after Illness or Injury

Sometimes, life can be unbelievable. This week, I spent 5 LONG days in the hospital getting poked and drained of blood and fluids, looking for a reason behind the vision loss in my left eye. So far, I haven't been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis or anything else, and I pray it stays that way.

I've experienced a mix of emotions: joy, fear, regret, sadness, anxiety for instance. It's been a roller coaster ride, but I actually found enough time each day to calm down enough to meditate and think about the way my life is going.

The conclusion I came to was.... I'm not living the kind of life that I want, and because of that I have been unhappy and stressed. So the commitment I've made to myself is to begin making small steps to living my life's purpose and passions.

How I Constantly Develop My Purpose for My Life

1. I got in touch with my values and goals again.

My values include health and fitness; accomplishment; spirituality; money; pleasure and adventure; and love. When I really sat and thought about my life, I haven't made room for most of these things. OMG!

I also re-visited my vision board, and renewed my life and career vision statement. I've let so many things happen in my life, that I haven't made time to move toward any of my goals, values, or aspirations. But, this stops now.

2. I got in touch with who I am, and what I need to live happy.

I thought about my personal strengths; my primary strength is perspective (wisdom). When you use your strengths, you are happier and more successful in all areas of life. After a little thought, I realized how much I don't use this strength. What can I do to make sure I use this strength everyday?

I also thought about my personal needs; those things I need to make me whole, happy, and healthy. I need attention, love, friendship, company, some belonging (but mainly independence), and financial security. I have some of these now, but I would love to be in a monogamous relationship with a God-sent man.

However, I have to make the time and space for this

Renew Your Life Purpose after Illness or Injury

3. I took responsibility for all the choices I've made so far.

I'm the one who chose to handle my stress in an unhealthy way. I ate the unhealthy foods; I took anger and bitterness home with me from work. I choose to stay at a job that doesn't validate, complete, or satisfy me.

At the end of the day, you do have personal choices that guide your day and life. What are you in control of in your life?

For me, I want to travel more. One of the biggest obstacles I face is money and resources to travel like I want. But, no more excuses. Where there is a will, there is a way. My commitment is here, now I'm just waiting for the how.

Illness and injury has a way of making you check your life from all angles. Now that I have this new insight into my life, I would love for you to do the same for yourself.

Don't wait until something tragic or nearly fatal happens to make you want to live the life you want to live.

What is your life purpose or passion how do you plan on fulfilling it? Feel free to comment below!

Pamela Brown

The Body Confidence Fitness Coach

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