All these dreams are fine and usually whatever I am worrying about goes off without a hitch. I find all my classes okay, I find a friend, and all my coworkers like me because I bring them dessert.
But you know your life is truly awesome when embarrassing things happen in real life. Don't worry, I didn't show up somewhere without clothes on.
Remember that time when...I was shopping with my mom looking for a dress or dresses for upcoming weddings. We each picked out a few we liked and some others that were different and unique and fun to try on. This is how most of my dress-shopping goes down: try on dress -> walk out of dressing room to show Mom -> she doesn't like it/I don't like it/it looks ridiculous/way too much cleavage/it doesn't fit/it's ugly -> go back to dressing room and take off dress. Repeat
Only I wish the trip had gone like that. Instead it went somewhere along the lines of repeat the above sequence a bunch of times, then try on a dress with a pleated skirt, walk out of dressing room. Twirl around only to hear the sound of my mom burst out laughing. Turns out the skirt had gotten in my underwear! And I was no showing off my
All I did was laugh because it was too ridiculous to be overly embarrassing.
And that is why my life is so awesome.