Highly recommended by our travel guide and by the hotel owners, was the city of Alba Iulia. This town used to be the capital of Transylvania in the 16th and 17th century, a glorious past that has left its traces in the citadel, a huge fortress with lots of religious and administrative buildings. If you only have a few hours in Alba Iulia – like we did, better head over there. This is what you see upon your arrival.
We limited our visit to two buildings. The first one is the Orthodox Cathedral, built in the beginning of the 20th century for the coronation of King Ferdinand and Queen Marie. Look up and admire the decorations; the frescoes, paintings and statues are stunning!
The second building we visited was the Roman Catholic cathedral, which originates from the 11th – 13th century. The style is a transition between Romanesque and Gothic.
In general, Lars and I preferred the Orthodox cathedral, probably because it is so different from Belgian and Danish churches and cathedrals. If you like religious architecture, by the way, keep on following the website! Lots more coming up the next weeks!