There have been a number of very convincing cases of reincarnation lately involving young children. These children took them right to the house that they lived in before they died, often a house in another country. They describe the house perfectly and even describe the people who lived there when they were alive previously. It’s all very convincing and the only way it’s not true is if the parents made up this whole thing and got the kid to go along with it. If that’s not the case (and I doubt that it is) then reincarnation must be a real thing. I don’t know much more about it, but it seems clear that at least some of us running around this Earth used to live here in previous lives and can recall those lives down to tiny details. Have we all lived before? I am not sure. I only know that a few people definitely have.
I don’t have these right at hand, but they are available on the Net. The most recent one I read was shocking evidence for reincarnation and the reincarnated person was only a small child. But the child led them to a house in another nation, I believe France, and described the house down and the people who lived there down to a T before she even arrived in France. Either it’s evidence of reincarnation or the parents (and the kid) faked the whole thing.
And that’s not the only case. There have been a number of others that are said to be as good as that one. I am afraid to look them up though because the whole thing is so creepy and weird. It frightens me to even think about it.